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  1. R

    please help - unwell senagol

    im worried hes ill, he hasnt eaten, even small crickets, in 5 days and he doesnt drink much either. he used to love coming out but now he doesnt move much atall he used to get to the door as soon as it was open untill about a week aho. his colours a verrrry pale - nearly green - white ish colour...
  2. R

    what does subadult mean?????

    SWEEEET! thanks evry1:)
  3. R

    what does subadult mean?????

    i have looked at a colour chart for my sengegal chameleon and it says he is subadult, what does that mean please? thanks :):)
  4. R

    please help me with the colour of my senegal chameleon???

    her whole body is a nice light green like it should be but sometimes half her head goes a browny colour, not dark just a light brown and sometimes half her body and its not when sheis basking because its when shes out of the cage and sometimes wen she is just roaming around!... can any1 tell me...
  5. R

    How can i tell the gender of my senegal chameleon????????

    what does hemipenal mean? cheers for letting me know but what does hemipenal mean? heers :)
  6. R

    How can i tell the gender of my senegal chameleon????????

    please could someone help me out? how do i tell if my senegal chameleon is a female or male? please help thank you!!!:):):D:):)
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