I have a Nice Looking Nosy Faly For Sale from my Bobbies Boy Male to a Kush/triton female all proven falys.. He isn't very friendly bobs his head at the ladies. he is young an has alot of coloring up to do . I keep wanting to keep him but I cant keep them all.. if you like the looks of a sweet...
The best time to find an escaped cham is to look at night.. I have had a few chams escape an have found all of them using a portable Qbeam spot light its a rechargeable spotlight a sleeping cham sticks out among the trees and shrubs
Usually when ya see black marks like that they are bruises.. those are strange not the typical ones maybe he scraped against something.. they should go away on there own
Ive found if there is problems with either in the others cage take them outside on a nice day to a neutral cage or freerange tree an let them go see what happens
good luck with that he isn't around anymore he had a kid.. if your looking for Raiden blood its bobbies boy.. if you notice his web site been taken over by someone in Pakistan.. theres a few with my Bobbies Boy line
They look so cute an of course healthy !! I know how much you love your babies an I bet you have a smile from ear to ear takin care of them.. congrats on them they all look great Jann!!
ive used the smaller hand sprayers an they just wear out to fast.. I bought a Hudson sprayer from lowes it holds a gallon or lil more an has a hand wand to use.. its lasted awhile an I have a few chams to mist