Karma Chameleon Rescue was in Omaha, though I have not seen any posts to her Facebook page since April and I don’t know if she’s still active. E-mail from that page is [email protected]. I am in Lincoln and can help if it looks like there’s no other viable option but I already have...
Cheery Littlebottom has decided that she will be a Pink Chameleon. She has been mostly pink for ~6 weeks now (perhaps because it has been a very Wintery Winter in Nebraska, and she’s wondering why she ever left the Florida Keys!). She’s alert and active and content - just pink.
I voted Sambava, but with the caveat that my favorite locale/species/chameleon is generally the one I have at the moment! Also quite fond of Tamatave and Maroansetra.
How long have you had him and, if for long, has anything changed lately? Ours will sometimes spend a day in her water dish, and the past two years has been spending much of the summer burrowed in the soil, coming out mainly when there are thunderstorms. Does yours have a moist substrate he can...
I'm furtive but still around. You know, somehow it seemed I had a lot more time to spend on the Forums when I was a postdoc than now when I'm a professor... Hmmm...
My current panther is a jumper. With him (and the other jumper I've had, a Jackson's), it doesn't seem to be panic, but more a considered contemplation of the time and effort required to climb down from where they are vs. jumping.
I'm tempted to invest in a high-end shortwave receiver (have had a cheaper Radio Shack model for years), bu know very little about them. Any shortwave enthusiasts out there?