People thought I was weird long before I had lizards. My boss is somewhat amused by my lizard hobby, but thinks it's great and always asks after them - he was the second person to hold Bea after I got her. The neighbors all know my lizards, and most of them think they're great; they love to...
Covering the chains would probably be sound, as all of my chams have readily climbed on chains. So long as the frogs are enclosed, I can't see the cham(s) doing any damage to the frogs or frog tanks. I've found Pothos to be very good for free ranges if you can get a mature one, because you can...
Beautiful, beautiful animals, even unto the grasshopper. Beautiful shots of the scenery, too; I could probably do the climb, but can't imagine it carrying all the expensive (and probably bulky)photography equipment!
I've been bitten probably 6-8 times, by three chams, over a period of five years. Mostly it's been the case you describe - they're going for the bug and get me instead (or also); I don't want to damage their tongues, so I let them reel me in and chomp down. Once the female veiled got out of her...
I'm very sorry to hear about Mr. Fernandez's passing. Hope after you've grieved that you'll be able to get a healthy cham that will be happy to inhabit the new cage.
Veiled (Chameleo calyptratus) and panther (Furcifer pardalis) are not only different species but different genera. That should be sufficient genetic distance to prevent the formation of viable offspring (perhaps the eggs were fertilized and division began, but I would expect serious (= fatal)...
I used to walk my chameleon - he'd set off down the sidewalk when we were outside, and I'd follow behind to make sure he didn't get into trouble. Since he was truckin' along at about 1 foot per minute (and couldn't be seen from any distance), I would have looked either rather silly or rather...
Here is what my veiled female, Bea, is thinking: "Bugs. Bugs. Bugs bugs bugsbugsbugs. Bu-u-u-ugs. Bugs? Bugs. Don't pick me up don't pick me up DON'TPICKMEUP! Oh. Outside. Bugs?"
On a more serious note, they know where things are (e.g. cricket tub), what they mean (door from inside = going...
I, too, have the variegated (yellow and green) SChefflera, and the numerous chomps my veiled has taken from it attest to its safety (and possibly its deliciousness).
Aren't house geckos mostly nocturnal? - If they were keeping different shifts, he might not ever know there's a competition going on. I'd be leery, myself.
My guy has been very iffy about eating for the past couple months, and stayed at the vets while we were out of town so the neighbors...
I love the K. matscheii, and am hoping to have one some day. They're all great shots (throughout the thread); I especially like the very last one, of him licking the larch.
If you like elk, the time and place to travel is Estes Park, Colorado in the first couple weeks of October. They're...
Nothing to be sorry about, LOL! I'm sure it differs from store to store. I was just bemused that, in this case, the big chain, mediocre store seems to be providing me with much better crickets than the locally-owned, top end store.
My veiled female was 4.5 months old when I got her, and green. Many of her clutchmates started showing more color before she did, but in two months or so (6+ months old) she had some pretty interesting colors going on. Be patient; it will come!
Zac, bummer you can't go to Omaha; sure the snow won't have cleared up by Sunday? Either way, they'll be there in October.
Laurie, I'm buying large crickets; for whatever reason, they just last and last... I'm not complaining. Neither is Beatrix. McGinty says he'd rather have a worm.
Last summer I moved from Lansing to Lincoln. Lansing has a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful pet store. You could go there just to look at the animals, and it was as good as a museum or a zoo. Each department had their own personnel (so reptiles were sold by reptile people, not people who...