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  1. Dean Pulcini

    Photos of the B. transvaalense Chameleons

    Great photo and look it's not a panther.
  2. Dean Pulcini

    NY Reptile Expo

    It's good if you like snakes some chameleons but not a whole lot. If you stay late you might get better deals on things. Dont be afraid to hagel they expect it.
  3. Dean Pulcini

    some nice pictures....

    Wonderful collection of animals you have. Thank you for shareing them with us.
  4. Dean Pulcini

    The saddest day of my chameleon keeping is today

    Never liked glass for chameleons no matter what kind of chameleon it is. I feel your pain. Dean
  5. Dean Pulcini

    B. thamnobates- Here they are!

    Doing great outdoors they love the summer heat. I took some pics about two weeks ago of a colorful female. I'll post some more pics when I get a chance.
  6. Dean Pulcini

    For the Brady fans...

    Very nice that's what I wanted to get in the last import.
  7. Dean Pulcini

    How old is old enough to SHIP?

    One per cup so they dont hurt or scratch one another also shipping could be rough they could get bruised or bang into each other.
  8. Dean Pulcini

    B. thamnobates- Here they are!

    I agree looks female to me also.
  9. Dean Pulcini

    How old is old enough to SHIP?

    It depends how big they are. And what time of year it is. Cold weather hot weather heat pack or cold pack. Most ship with styrofoam sleeves in a deli cup or cloth bag surounded by shreded newspaper.
  10. Dean Pulcini

    How old is old enough to SHIP?

    Four months is rule of thumb.
  11. Dean Pulcini

    Full Crew Update ;D

    Looking good keep up the good work.
  12. Dean Pulcini

    Ranger update

    Like the color pattern very nice.
  13. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion thamnobates on a stick.

    Looks like 1.2 to me.
  14. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    It's a female a very colorful one at that, very nice haveing colorful females and not to mention the color of the male which is unbelievable. But that's another story for another day.
  15. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    B. damaranum is what I really wanted like I asked you when we started this process that would be awsome. Hopefully these guys will breed for us and money wont be an issue that's my hopes anyway.
  16. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    The females are growing really fast the male has been slow but I think he's younger then the females. To tell you the truth I haven't held them since I took them out of the sack. Which is a good thing the male is slightly problematic he doesn't care for me the females could care less. The male...
  17. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    They puff up in the early morning hours when the sun hits them after a cool night.
  18. Dean Pulcini

    Bradypodion Pumilum Pictures

    I know the sex Im just playing a sexing game.
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