Sorry to say she's sliding take pictures for documentation. I'm sorry you have to sit through this it sucks. I learned a hard lession with a pair of WC johnstonii that I never got my money back. Buying WC chameleons is now a last resort for me.
And not only send it back but keep it away from you other chameleons like in another room. Remind me not to ever get a chameleon or anything else from them wow some nerve sending an animal out in that condition.
Yes they can get uv in the shade but not as much as if they are in direct sunlight. Also on certain days cloud cover could produce as much uv or more all depends how cloudy it is the clouds seem to disperse the uv on a broader band.
UV light during the day also a basking light ( household bulb) no light at night. Make sure the basking bulb is not to hot by useing some kind of temp gage. You could use another compact flourescent for more lighting.
All systems are go for placment of the cage and the cage itself. The rose bush and wild vines makes a nice canopy and not to mention all the little insects they will be getting when I leave the doors open under supervision. Being so small and young I'm limiting the amout of sun they will be...