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  1. GabeCastro

    PVC Enclosures?

    I've been planning on making a new build once I move to Oregon. Won't be happening till January But I do want to get another cham or two :) I was thinking of building an enclosure out of PVC tubing. PVC is great because you can build a ton of stuff from it and it's super easy to clean /...
  2. GabeCastro

    Picasso sees the World!

    Sweet photo, I love the lighting!
  3. GabeCastro

    Women, Chameleons and Dubia

    haha you just gotta get lucky... I have a beautiful girlfriend who loves chameleons. She even picks up pinky mice, dubias, crickets, super worms, wax worms, or whatever feeders we need after work since it's on the way home. She also bought me a Trap Door spider, Zebra Tarantula, crested...
  4. GabeCastro

    Another big store horror story.

    Man. That's nothing compared to what I seen the other week. I should have taken pictures. There were 3 veileds dead in one enclosure. 4 others were super skinny, dark in color, and eyes sunken in. Another enclosure has 3 sub-adult males inside and they all looked like they had MBD. It's...
  5. GabeCastro

    My cham has big balls

    We're in the same boat, so I had to offer some great advice :p
  6. GabeCastro

    My cham has big balls

    You got a BIG boy right there lol He may have some retained sperm plugs. That would be my guess that he's big in that area. You can try soaking his bulge in some warm water to help him pass it. Also try warm showers aswell. Just put him on a plant and aim the shower head at the wall so it...
  7. GabeCastro


    Lol yeah, Figured I'd take a pic to remember the moment! I know he will. Hopefully he can make some babies aswell, might have to get a baby boy from him. Thanks Laurie! Oregon sounds too nice right now, can't wait to move. Hopefully soon!
  8. GabeCastro


    Just sent off my boy to ChamCapture all the way in Florida. I know my boy will love that weather out there :cool: It was sad watching the truck drive away :( Hopefully when I get settled in my new place in Oregon I can get back into chameleons. I also just sold everything chameleon...
  9. GabeCastro

    Deals! - bay area california only

    BUNDLE SALE IS PENDING!!! You can still contact me and I will respond if current offer does not meet tomorrow.
  10. GabeCastro

    Deals! - bay area california only

    Selling all my cham stuff. I'm currently moving soon and I won't have the space for any of my stuff. I'd like to pretty much sell everything as a package deal, but only willing to part with stuff through local meet ups. I don't want to deal with shipping at all. Cash only, and I can meet...
  11. GabeCastro

    Veiled hasnt eaten in 3 days

    How many waxworms did you feed him? Usually if you give them too much, they'll go on a "food strike" and will ONLY eat waxworms. Samething with mealworms. If thats the case, just let your guy starve and eventually he'll eat. just offer crickets or try other feeder options such as dubia...
  12. GabeCastro

    8 month old ambanja for sale

    SOLD TO CHAMCAPTURE! My boy will be in good hands ;)
  13. GabeCastro

    Done - the "small " 7' cage

    thats huge haha, can i move it? :cool:
  14. GabeCastro

    Staying at bottom of cage while outside?

    He might just be exploring since he's "outside". I'm sure his senses tell him he's somewhere else so he's just being curious. Maybe trying to find shade, food, etc. aswell and "are you sure it's a boy?" It's a question a lot of people may ask, but it can be a possibility your boy is a girl.
  15. GabeCastro

    My Jacksons just ate a huge bee!

    Be careful with butterflies. They're toxic/poisonous to chameleons. Just be sure to keep an eye on your cham with what he eats.
  16. GabeCastro

    8 month old ambanja for sale

    Hate to see him go, but I'm currently moving and need to find him a good home. I'm selling him for $450 shipped or California bay area local meet ups for $400 flat. The ambanja is 8-9 months old and is still growing, everytime I look at him his colors get more vibrant. The red rain on his head...
  17. GabeCastro

    Signs of Parasites??? And/Or how to treat?

    I think the parasite culprit you're thinking of is Coccidia, but it could be a few others. Major signs of parasites are sleeping during the day, not moving at all throughout the day, darker in color, smelly fecal, NOT eating, losing weight, not drinking, weak grip, falling, etc. Atleast...
  18. GabeCastro

    This is Apollo!

    Looks like you got an extremely healthy veiled! Boy is HUGE! look at those limbs haha Best way i've seen people move their chams is putting them in a box with a horizontal dowel that goes across so they can just curl up on and go to sleep. Another way was getting a laundry basket with a top and...
  19. GabeCastro

    How much did you spend on your Chameleon?

    $9,000 parsons x Pygmy cross
  20. GabeCastro

    Unusual Behaviour?

    I agree. Cage is way too small for a sub-adult male veiled. But you're fine for now. If your Cham was a year or 2 old then it would be bad to house him in a small enclosure like that. But your boy is only 6-7 months, so try and save up for a larger enclosure asap. He needs to be in a...
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