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  1. GabeCastro

    What locale is my panther? I just really want to know

    I'd vote ambanja! Amazing one at that. Wish i could get lucky and snag a deal such as yours! He's lookin good! and I think you meant he weighs in at 150gs? 250g would be a monster! LOL
  2. GabeCastro

    Unusual Behaviour?

    From reading your husbandry, sounds like you're guy might be cookin' :o his basking temp should be no higher than 35c (95f) He may be cruising at the bottom because he's hot. And are you positive your veiled is a MALE? allot of the times breeders from petstores just sell you a female...
  3. GabeCastro

    cricket crack canada

    Who do you think you are? Griselda Blanco? Joking. ;)
  4. GabeCastro

    Petsmart rescued veiled. I'm worried. My first chameleon

    I second this. Pics would help of your enclosure. I didn't even mention that! Just be sure theres tons of foliage for your little guy to climb around and hide under. Also pics of your veiled would help aswell. We can identify if your guy looks lethargic, dehydrated, etc.
  5. GabeCastro

    Petsmart rescued veiled. I'm worried. My first chameleon

    Welcome to the forums, Really glad you did your research thus far and filled out the information sheet! Really HELPS out A LOT. Kind of strange that a new member figured it out. From what I can see, you seem like you have a pretty solid set up. Nothing in your husbandry is wrong. You're...
  6. GabeCastro

    Stick Bugs at Night

    I'm jealous. I've yet to see a stick bug! I guess they don't like californians :rolleyes: I only get lucky with Mantids. Maybe this weekend I'll try and hunt some sticks down haha
  7. GabeCastro

    Can Chameleons be kept with other lizards or geckos?

    Nope...It'll stress the chameleon out. Some wont eat or they'll get bullied/hurt. Only chams you can house together are pygmies. As for having two different species together, Absolutely no. Geckos are usually nocturnal so as the lights go off they're out and about and could wake up the...
  8. GabeCastro

    Chameleons that don't like paparazzi

    lol yeah he was a little feisty, slowly starting to get "nicer", but still hates the camera! :p Great thread btw, I hope to see some more of these funny little creatures! haha so far everyone has shown funny ones :D If I come accross anymore I'll def upload em here.
  9. GabeCastro

    Chameleons that don't like paparazzi

    This was taken about 3 months ago, but to this day I still think it's funny. On the left is my cham So Icey Boy sleeping, on the right is him getting his photo taken when he woke up in the morning as his lights cut on lol This is him the other day: (less dramatic, but he does try to...
  10. GabeCastro

    What is this on my cham?

    Thanks for filling out the info sheet. How are you measuring your temps? Those spikes on your chams back look like burns to me. Or it could be a fungus. Lots of possibilities! Best way to get it checked out is by a experienced Herp vet in your area. It's rare that crickets chew on chams...
  11. GabeCastro

    my setup!

    YOU NEED MORE FOLIAGE! great job! I think thats the most filled up enclosure i've ever seen! Almost makes me want to do the same with my cage haha. Also get rid of the night light. Chams benefit from temperature drops. They will do fine in mid 50's if you're concerned about...
  12. GabeCastro

    Does anyone use any Aestheticly Pleasing lights?

    I use this one, kinda a pain to find 22" T5 bulbs though. Arcadia makes a 6.0 22" and you can find 22" 6500k lights aswell. 6500k bulb (Had negative...
  13. GabeCastro

    Sniper lol!

    amazing photo! What are you shooting with? And what lens? Love that the fly is in focus haha
  14. GabeCastro

    WC Ambanja -- Kaepernick -- Gold body Red bar

    :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: HOLY $@#* Love that yellow and those huge red spots on him...Lately i've been seeing some amazing WC panthers. Where do I sign up at? LOL
  15. GabeCastro

    Fan or no fan??

    My cham does fine. eats, drinks, sheds, poops, etc. Fan is OK. If you assumed i put the fan on the highest speed and aim it at the enclosure, then YES lol, they would avoid air flow. I use my fan on the lowest setting and aim it so it circulates the room. I don't aim it at the...
  16. GabeCastro

    Fan or no fan??

    Just make sure you get good air ventilation so the cage isn't filled with stagnent air. Chams have wind in the wild so I don't see what the problem would be. I leave a fan on throughout the days during the summer. Helps keep the bottom portion of the enclosure cool and circulates my room...
  17. GabeCastro

    Dehydrated Panther Chameleon

    hah, never thought of that vine method. I just use a fake plant and my boy HATES it...Colors are always amazing though when they're in there. As for chams having sunken in eyes while they're sleeping, yes they normally do that. Sometimes, which is kinda scary they bulge their eyes out so they...
  18. GabeCastro

    Does anyone use any Aestheticly Pleasing lights?

    You can always get a double T5-HO fixture so you can house a UVB bulb & 5000k or 6500k grow light. Just adding the grow light for live plants is a PLUS. Keeps those bad boys alive indoors and brightens up the enclosure. I use a 6.0 Arcadia bulb + 6500k grow light + Basking bulb and my...
  19. GabeCastro

    Funniest picture of your chameleon?

    lmao, yeah his Urate was huge looking back at it. Poor guy! He was all backed up hahah
  20. GabeCastro

    Whats the weirdest "thing" your Cam. has eaten?

    You might get bashed for this, allot of members on here don't like the idea of feeding lizards to our chams. Me personally, It's nature. They eat lizards and what not in the wild anyways. For one...Stay off the wild caught lizards. They can contain tons of parasites which they can be hosting...
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