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  1. Zajlol

    Fun in the sun!! (image heavy)

    I love your faly! I like his nose the best!
  2. Zajlol

    Fun in the sun!! (image heavy)

    This is sprite, this pic is really old tho haha need new ones of him outside!
  3. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    Update almost 4 months. He is extremely blue lol here he is
  4. Zajlol

    Romeo - 6 months old

    Beautiful Cham :D
  5. Zajlol

    Vegas show!

    I've never been to one besides Vegas lol so I wouldn't know
  6. Zajlol

    Vegas show!

    Aww!!!! haha
  7. Zajlol

    Vegas show!

    Soo who's all goin to the Las Vegas reptile show???? Can't wait!!! :D
  8. Zajlol

    Heart pattern on head

    WOW! hahaha never seen that b4. Mine has a circle on his head but urs looks cool haha!
  9. Zajlol

    Got my first Chameleon this morning

    He has a lot of color already!
  10. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Ok cool I'll look into it
  11. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    I'll try r the weighs expensive?
  12. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Wow r u serious? Haha
  13. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Thanks drcrissfire!
  14. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Thanks! Lol
  15. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Ok thanks! Haha
  16. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Hahaha thanks! I don't have a scale like that Sooo haha idk if I'll ever know. But how much u think he weighs n is he good size for his age?
  17. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Also what would be the best way to weigh him?
  18. Zajlol

    Update of sprite (pic)

    Well it's been a year n 4 months, he has gotten Sooo big n he is soo friendly! I love him haha he doesn't fire up in his reflection so the only time I see his fired up is when he is sleeping :( but oh we'll haha here he is ...
  19. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    Thanks! Hope so I really want a red panther lol :P
  20. Zajlol

    Sunfire baby

    I'm really curious about how his brothers look like. Mine just shed last week, then he got some of his colors in like the blue n green n some specks of red. I've seen some of his brothers n they were puffed up, mine hasn't puffed up at me b4. But I'm sure he will get used to u try hand feeding.
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