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  1. showjet95

    some nice pictures....

    Amazing! So youre sending me some of your cb minor when?:D
  2. showjet95

    Petco Jackson's...

    There are some at a Petsmart by me for $103 so tell them the Petsmart in Upland, Ca has them for that price and Im sure they will do it. Get one of the females too!;)
  3. showjet95

    Ankaramy female and Sambava Male

    Gonna be an interesting mix thats for sure!:)
  4. showjet95

    Hi guys I have never seen a Yemen like this

    With this sort of skin condition, would he not be able to bask under direct sun and high temps as a normal veiled would? Or is this a mystery til he gets older lol
  5. showjet95

    female B. thamnobates

  6. showjet95

    Tampa Repticon SCORE!!

    Looks like he will turn into a gem in a shed or two:)
  7. showjet95

    Trioceros johnstoni bwindi

    Craig, I spoke with you last week about this. To everyone else that is in on this import, it WILL happen. It is just taking much longer than expected. Uganda is ages behind most of the rest of the world and just having electricity some days is a miracle. I am in regular contact with Jurgen...
  8. showjet95

    Red Bar Ambilobe sired by Fuego

    sale fell through:rolleyes:
  9. showjet95

    last pair of B. transvaalense

    hump day bump
  10. showjet95

    2014 Chameleon Calendar

    If our photo made the calender do we get a free calender?:D Also, it says there was a Bradypodion transvaalense in the calender when in fact it is a Bradypodion thamnobates.
  11. showjet95

    some nice pictures.... of hamm

    That male Bradypodion thamnobates looks huge! who was selling him? anymore Brady pics?:D
  12. showjet95

    Cape Draw

    They are such a beautiful species!!! SO much color in such a small package:) Btw, is this Steven?
  13. showjet95

    A New Greenhouse Trioceros!

    Try Reptile Outpost in Van Nuys, last time I was there they had 1 or 2 female pfeffs. You can also try Covet an Exotic Emporium on fb, he has a female I think too.
  14. Meru


  15. showjet95

    female B. thamnobates

    Super healthy and growing a a good rate. She is eating 2 week old crickets, bean beetles, hydei fruit flies and house flies. I am pricing her to sell FAST. $300 plus shipping!
  16. showjet95

    last pair of B. transvaalense

    I am selling off most of my collection of rare and unusual chams due to the fact that I just dont have the time I want with them like I used to. This pair is super healthy! They are captive bred from Europe and still have a good amount of growing to do (transvaals are a slow growing chameleon...
  17. showjet95

    Red Bar Ambilobe sired by Fuego

    Lots of interest on this guy but no one comes through:rolleyes:
  18. showjet95

    Red Bar Ambilobe sired by Fuego

    tuesday morning bump
  19. showjet95


    Id like to ship these while the weather is still good
  20. showjet95


    750 plus shipping
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