Where it’s circled in black is the spot where I would put the cage and where it’s circled in blue is the swamp cooler. The ceiling vent above the cat tree doesn’t work so theres no possibility of there being a draft from there.
I have a swamp cooler that is mounted on my wall and I want to put my chameleon cage on that wall but like at the very opposite end of it. Is it possible to do that without hurting my cham in any way with drafts or anything? I was also thinking I could put it directly under it so there isn’t any...
So my thermometer and hygrometer keep falling off the screen mesh on my cham’s cage and I was just wondering how do I keep it from falling ? I’m using one of those analog ones that have that sticky adhesive on the back. Or do I need to get a new one?
I've seen a lot of threads on this, but none of them seem to provide conclusive solutions. I have a major gnat problem in my veiled's enclosure, and they're starting to get everywhere. They're also rendering my springtails useless. Is there any way to eradicate the population without harming my...
where do i place my plants in my cage? i got a ficus, croton and some pothos. i know pothos can go literally anywhere and itll be fine, and the croton should be placed in view of the light so itll be colorful but what of the ficus? should i move the sticks so the light shines on the plants and i...
Okay well I was also thinking of money trees, Areca palm trees, hibiscus, cortan plant, bromeliads and dragon trees. Would any of these be suitable for poor lighting or would it be necessary to get proper lighting for some of these.
should i get additional plants first or better lighting? i kind of want to get more plants first because rn all i have is fake pothos and that tiny ficus tree i was talking about earlier, but it feels pointless without proper lighting. so should i get the better lighting first or get the plants...
so about humidity, does it need to be constantly the same humidity, or can it drop for a certain amount of time? how long can the humidity be allowed to stay low?
ok then i can definitely see why using linear bulbs for uvb and plant lights is better, but what about for heat? is it better to use a dome lamp in that case?
whats the difference between a dome light uvb and a t5ho? is one better than the other? and if so, why? im just curious because i see a lot of users swearing that t5ho is master race lol, and i just want to know why before i decide to invest in a new fixture or to continue using dome lamps...
i already feed him crickets and dubia roaches, but hes a picky one! he barely touches the dubias lol, but he loves crickets. i still offer them to him though because crickets die pretty quickly, and dubias are a lot more tolerant and hardy ive found.
what are some good feeder insects for my cham at this age? I noticed that mantises can be about 2 to 5 inches long, and hes still only 3 to 4 months old, so i dont want to risk him choking :/ would silkworms even be good for him at this stage?
thanks so much! im defintiely getting that shooting gallery one!!!
do i need to worry about mantids evading getting eaten or can they be fed free range as well?
is there any way i could keep the roaches from hiding in the substrate so that my cham will eat them? I put 12 in his enclosure for free range eating like i do with the crickets and i havent seen them since :o i had to put them in a glass cup instead but when i mist i have to take the cup out so...
id also like to inquire about plants that would be safe for my cham.
i was thinking hibiscus but i saw that they require rather intense lighting so if anyone could point me in the right direction for good lighting thatd be great. and also, whats everyone's experience with fly larvae and flies...