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  1. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    how did you attach your potted plants to the dragon stand? also are silkworms particularly hard to raise?? they seem really intimidating :/
  2. Crusader14

    How old is my male veiled?

    Pretty much as the title says. I just want to know how old he is. Here is a pic of him
  3. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    how did you hang your potted plants? with the dragon stand thingy? im really confused as to how thats supposed to work as far as placing potted plants and stuff
  4. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    sorry if im confusing i just have various questions, not just about lighting lol.
  5. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    I mean that form is for the health clinic isnt it? I don't think ill make another thread but ill fill it out so people can help answer my questions better Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Veiled Chameleon, Male...
  6. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    I’m honestly not sure what bioactive even means so idk. I mostly use substrate from biodude and springtails for eating the poop. If that counts as bio active, then yes. And yes I’m new to keeping a cham. I have a baby veiled; not sure about his age but I’m positive he’s a dude because when I...
  7. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    so just to make sure, i dont have to repot my ficus or anything? are there any other plants that i could put in the cage besides ficus and pothos? also for the roaches i was thinking of something like this so they wouldnt burrow under the substrate and hide. would that be effective or no?
  8. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    another question I have is regarding springtails. Do I need to feed them when I put them in the cage? If so do I need to worry about my Cham trying to eat their food or is there no risk? And how do I keep my dubia roaches from burrowing out of sight so my Cham will eat them? I put them in a...
  9. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    okay and as far as the dripper goes, should I just return it because it’s useless to have it and get a auto mister? I mean even with the dripper I still misted him twice a day because I live in the desert and it’s dry af out here.
  10. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    and Would these reach the plant all the way at the bottom? My tank is 4 ft high and the plant is like maybe a foot long...
  11. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    no I don’t. This is currently what I have: i also have a Flukers clamp lamp and a incandescent light bulb for additional heat I got from the dollar tree. i understand what these uh t5ho fixtures are, but I’m not sure what kind of bulbs I would...
  12. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    like a metal frame or something thats over the enclosure?
  13. Crusader14

    Plant lighting + other questions.

    I know there's like a bunch of topics relating to this, but I had other questions that weren't relevant to the topic so i just decided to make my own thread. So I was considering getting this grow light fixture, but would that provide adaquete lighting for a small ficus tree? I got it from...
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