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  1. Samcham1

    Couple questions about Jackson's

    Jacksons can eat darkling beetles? Cool, i always wait for them to die then throw them out, always seemed like a waste to me though. :D
  2. Samcham1

    Well I never thought that I would say this...

    i love leopards, they dont get as big as sullys, but still bigger than others mentioned.
  3. Samcham1

    Argh!!! I hate Fruit Flies

    i just had to do it:D I saw a video on dusting like mentioned before on Josh's Frogs site.
  4. Samcham1

    Baby Care

    i believe you can feed an adult every other day also, as were you would feed a baby every day.
  5. Samcham1

    New WC Faly Photo Shoot(Heavy)

    red, white, and blue represents Freedom, so Freedom:D
  6. Samcham1

    Im a noob, and i hv a Senegal Cham

    Thats great that you came here to better your chams life. There is lots of great knowledge here so just keep doing research. You may also want to use the search tool to try and find more info.
  7. Samcham1

    Im a noob, and i hv a Senegal Cham

    you can try taking him outside for some natural sun light for now weather permitting. But you should get the 2 things mentioned as soon as possible.
  8. Samcham1

    New WC Faly Photo Shoot(Heavy)

    Amazing colors!
  9. Samcham1

    When did you get your first Cham and what locale was it?

    I got my first chameleon about a year ago, and it was a Pygmy. I then got 2 more brevs and a sambava and jacksons earlier this year.
  10. Samcham1

    An Introduction...Finally!

    Welcome to the forum. When you produce bumblebees, feel free to send me one:D
  11. Samcham1

    Sambava basking on it's side

    It's hilarious now, it was a little scary at first, lol:D
  12. Samcham1

    Did I make a mistake?

    If it's coated, it should be fine. when i was researching some one suggested if used hardware cloth that i get the pvc coated kind.
  13. Samcham1

    Introduced dubias to the clan

    But female dubias are soooo pretty:D
  14. Samcham1

    Sambava basking on it's side

    thanks, i feel better now. It's just the first time i've seen him do that. He was pretty flat too, lol.
  15. Samcham1

    Sambava basking on it's side

    Hello errybody, i have a quick question. Is it normal for chams to sometimes bask on their sides? I caught my sambava basking on his side earlier, it was like he was laying don on his side under the basking light. His eyes were open and he got up and walked away fine after i approached his cage...
  16. Samcham1

    Introduced dubias to the clan

    dubias will hide and not move so they dont get the chams attention. What i do is place the dubia on the vine near my cham and when it walks away he will shoot it. i tried putting it on the screen, but after 3 shots he chould not grab the dubia, when i tried to pull it off it had a real good grip...
  17. Samcham1

    pics of my other pets (duw)

    Thanks errybody. When I first saw Scarlett, i new I had to have her. Her markings are the cleanest I've seen, looks like someone took a marker and drew them on. And the heart in the front is almost perfect. Tortelini has more personality though, he come right up to you. Vampire crabs are escape...
  18. Samcham1

    Can Some of you please post photos of your drainage systems for husband to see?

    i use a sterelite container with holes drilled in the top. Then just add a cut off valve to empty it into a bucket when it needs to be emptied. Not too attractive, but cheap and easy. Your husband could always build a box around it or you could add a little curtain or something to cover it up.
  19. Samcham1

    heater for mistking

    can i put an Aquazamp on lay away?:D
  20. Samcham1

    More chameleon art

    ok, i posted my pic on the wrong thread, lol. I didnt notice it was for jdogs bad arse pic. It's amazing bro.
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