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  1. KellyRose12

    Mouth rot again?

    He had been misdiagnosed twice and has been treated 3 different times with antibiotics. I finally found a great vet and he put banjo on baytril for 2 weeks straight... now a couple months later here we are again.. also want to add that his last vet visit was actually a month and a half ago...
  2. KellyRose12

    Mouth rot again?

    first two are prior second to last is after he was “cleared” the last one was taken like 2 weeks ago. **had to edit picture dates**
  3. KellyRose12

    Mouth rot again?

    Hey guys. So banjo has been off antibiotics for almost 2 months now. The vet said his mouth looked back to normal. But that was a couple weeks ago. I don’t know if I am too paranoid, or does his lip look swollen to you in the corner? Also, there’s a little pink spot on his mouth in a pic I took...
  4. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    a vet visit is definitely something he needs. But maybe find one more experienced. Call around. Keep us updated please! I really hope he gets better!
  5. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Okay. Just making sure.
  6. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Does he open his mouth and breathe for long moments at a time? Or puff up under his chin and make a popping noise? I’m wondering if the vet gave him antibiotics to treat a respiratory infection. im only asking because in the pictures it kind of looks like it. Unless he was just mad at you it...
  7. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    Do you have recent photos of him when he’s awake and moving?
  8. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    How long has he been closing his eyes for?
  9. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    I’m pretty sure gout effects the limbs in a way that they can’t grip onto things because it is too painful. They would still be able to climb With MBD you will see the bowing of arms and legs and deformations in the casque The fact that you’ve only given him calcium with d3 and don’t have a...
  10. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    I’ve never had to force feed before so I’m not the person to ask, but MBD can be stabilized I guess you could say. His limbs are very bowed but if his grip is still there I’m sure he will have a chance. You just need to do research Go online to this site for learning...
  11. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    With MBD I’m assuming a vet will give him calcium shots. Probably a few in his case, but not all at once. And on top of that you will need to stay on top of his supplement schedule. And make sure he has correct uvb lighting. Supplementing and uvb go hand and hand.
  12. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    He needs calcium and uvb the most at this point. I’m not as experienced with chameleon meds so unfortunately I have no clue, I know medicine can be hard on their body though.
  13. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    You’re welcome! Just make sure if you go with the reptisun 5.0 change the bulb every 6 months. And with the Arcadia 6% change once a year. They also have an Arcadia light fixture for their bulb, but the regular t5 fixture will do just as well.
  14. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    try for the lights. You’re going to have to get the fixture and uvb separate. They have both reptisun t5 ho 5.0 and they also have the Arcadia 6%. Either will Work. I’ll attach links Arcadia bulb reptisun 5.0...
  15. KellyRose12

    Louie is acting STRANGE

    @celseymarie It looks like your Cham has MBD. Can you post other pictures? what lights are you using? And what supplements are you using? im tagging a couple people that can help a little more than me. @MissSkittles @Beman if you wouldn’t mind filling this out so we can get a better idea...
  16. KellyRose12

    Abnormal shedding

    You can contact your local landscaping company and see if they have any non sap branches. Most of the time they will just give them to you. Make sure to wash them before putting them in the enclosure. Usually I wash mine with non toxic soap (make sure you get all the soap off) and let them sit...
  17. KellyRose12

    Abnormal shedding

    I order bugs from its a great website for roaches, crickets, silkworms and many more.
  18. KellyRose12

    Light fixtures

    Good to know the Arcadia bulbs last a year, I just ordered 2 thinking they only last six months like my reptisun. Thanks for that info 😊
  19. KellyRose12

    2 month old Panther not eating!!! Please help

    Is the blue bulb a colored bulb or a normal bulb?
  20. KellyRose12

    Help me place my spider plant?

    Yes! Back right will look good! I am planning on re-doing banjos cage as well. I’m just waiting for it to warm up so he can hangout outside while I do it lol I almost bought the same plant with the red and green! (I’m bad with plant names) lol. You make me want to go back and get it! please...
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