Okay, yeah I thought it was weird that she gave him a dewormer and an antibiotic shot. I have to take him to get a shot every 3 days for 6 sessions... but no fecal was done... I thought that was very strange. She explained that there are very rare cases that RIs can be liked to a particular...
After being skeptical about banjo having a URI, we sat at the vet this morning to get antibiotics... a dewormer was given to him just Incase this came from a parasite... Is this a normal thing?
ALSO my main question,
I am wondering how he could have gotten this URI. Could it have anything to...
It’s been too long! Lol so I feel like I’m so in the dark with all of this still.. I’m re learning, everything’s slowly coming back, thank god lol thanks for your help again lol
It wasn’t bubbly or stringy that I could notice. It happened so fast but he just ate a cricket and I watched him chew it, didn’t see any build up, but after that cricket he puffed up and made 1 popping noise. He isn’t pointing his head up and he seems to be breathing fine.
And yes I have new...
Hey y’all. As I continue to re fresh my mind with everything I learned a few years back, I am curious about one thing.... normal saliva. What does normal saliva look like compared to stringy saliva or a mouth infection?
I am asking because this morning I saw banjo open his mouth and there was...
@Beman so this morning I thought he was doing sooo much better. He seems to be. Not popping and not really any sound when puffing up (around me) but I did notice when he opened his mouth he had some built up saliva. It happened so fast I didn’t get a great look but it definitely made my heart...
Okay. Well I’m gonna keep a close eye on him these next few days. I have called my vet just Incase I have to bring him in the next couple days. Ughh I hope he’s just being dramatic and ready to shed lol