His permanent cage has been ordered just waiting for it to arrive. I know he cannot get suck to the duct tape,and its only there to keep the front screen on as I was designing this to be a free range. I was concerned about using it but had no other way of closing the "door"
That actually does relieve me a bit. He has plenty of basking/ climbing places now he has almost 30 feet of vine now plus a ficus. He seemed to enjoy looking around his new digs yesterday evening.
Like I said in a previous post:
I am focusing on husbandry at this point. I will stop being concerned about comparing him to my female.
I will have to wait a few more pay days before I can get him a mistking, but I will mist him twice a day and keep the dripper going.
He just stared at the hornworm. He did seem to enjoy scouting around his new digs. He appeared to have eaten 1 more cricket sometime during the day.
Should he not be as chubby as my female?
He escaped the cage today. :eek: I found him on top of the crested gecko tank. :cool: I made him a cage that I will turn into a free range, that until his cage arrives will prevent escapes.
Here are the best pics I could get without totally stressing him out.
The cage is pretty badly setup, he only had some strings, I guess to climb on and a potted pothos. I want to put him into a lllreptile screen cage where I can install a proper misting system, dripper, and maintain proper heat and humidity, this monsterous cage is just way to large for me to...
I already have a vet appt. scheduled for him. I just picked him up yesterday evening. I just think the prev. owner neglected him. She was 16 and just got a car.
I can tell he is thin, not rib showing thin, but hes fat reserves are non existent. I'm fairly new to chams, but not herps. I will search for your thread about scales. Thanks
Supposedly he is around a year old, but is tiny in comparison to my 8 month old female.
This is a pic previous owner took, I'll get more after work.
I need to get a scale, what type do you recommend?
He was happily drinking when I misted him, so I do not feel hydration will be an issue. Can I give him something like a cham version of gatorade, or does this not exist? I left a few crix and superworms in there for him but he may not find them. the previous owner had him in a 4'x4'x7' tall...
I rescued a male veiled. Hes very active, and friendly, however he is very thin. I got him to eat 1 large cricket this morning and he was drinking while I misted him. I would like to get weight back on him, what would you all recommend to get him safely and quickly back up to a healthy weight? I...