First Post In 3 months!!!
I can't tell you how excited I am!!! I have been waiting for Lombardi Babies for quite a while....
First off to sort of explain my absence... I have been going through a lot of personal stuff... I made a move away from where I was living... and was forced to...
Thanks guys... I thought male to while I was looking at him... But I am by no means experienced at sexing hour old Chams. Here are some more shots, again sorry for the poor quality... What do you think?
Meet "Uno"!!!
Here He/she is... My first hatchling is a Pardalis named Uno... I can't explain how giddy I am right now... But I know most of you understand without me explaining it. =) It's a healthy outgoing little one... Went in to pick him up for some pics and he charged my hand and didn't...
Thanks Kent... This is my first hatchling. I had a few failed clutches prior to this one... But these 8 eggs help out.
Robbie is on his way over with the camera. I'll get some pics up here later.
Thanks all... Still Pipped, not really working it's way out yet.
I lost McLovin' and Sgt. Pepper... both my prize Panthers to a sudden spike in heat coupled with a misting system malfunction. Really was the worst day I have had since I've kept chameleons, 100% my fault as well. Still sucks...
Well... after well over a year of attempting to breed my chams, I came home from work tonight at 2 am to find that one of the 8 eggs that made it from my clutch of McLovin' babies is hatching, hopefully they will be out by morning and I can get some batteries in the camera to take some pics...
I think I just found a new desktop image....LOL!!!
Don't ask me what I was doing in that first vid... Trying to pour Beer into Ryans ear I think... cause all we could could get him to drink all weekend was Diet Coke on the Rocks.
Shame nobody ended up using that Promo Code...LOL.
Dr. Gonzo was quite the hit at the show. Sure helps to have a guy like that around when you are trying to sell baby Ambanjas.
LOL!!! Oh man... Those are hilarious! Thanks Kent.
I really had a blast actually getting the chance to hang out with you peeps. Friday night was all about Bubba Gumps and some delicious Crab Stuffed Shrimp, and Saturday night was awesome The drunken auction... The long impossible trek to the...
I had a blast this weekend but like a total idiot forgot to bring my camera to the show!!! As much as I hate to ask because I know the embarrsment that is bound to fall on me based on some of the pics of me I know are out there;)...I wanna see the pics from the show!!!
They are obviously young, and I am obviously not experienced with the species, but they look like some form of Jax to me. If they are not Jax my guess will be Fuellebornii?
Great looking Neos regardless of my reckless guesses. :)