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  1. rcagosto

    New Panther morph?

    Screameleons really do have nice panthers, I never bought from them but there animals look gorgeous. I would like to own one of those pink anakaramby panthers lol not sure if I spelled it right.
  2. rcagosto

    Self Mutilation??

    Could this possibly be some kind of mental disoder in certain chameleons or in every other odd chameleon?
  3. rcagosto

    Make a Cricket Duster Cheap!

    Thats a really good idea, I really like it. I'm going to make one myself. A DIY thing on the website wouldn't actually be a bad idea, I down with it. Lol.
  4. rcagosto

    Silkworm Feeders, Tip.

    Thanks Will that's a good idea, I'm an idiot for not thinking of that lol. Thanks again. Roberto
  5. rcagosto

    Water Softeners

    So is it ok to mist our chameleons with a water softener?? Is it ok for them to drink?? If high levels of sodium is bad, is it really that healthy? Sorry for the question just wondering. Roberto
  6. rcagosto

    Overly Runny Urates

    I'm crossing my fingers for you puritania, hoping everything goes well with her.
  7. rcagosto

    Self Mutilation??

    I never heard of this happening, that's really wild. I too am interested in how this happens and why? Very interesting, not in a good way just in a curious way.
  8. rcagosto

    Silkworm Feeders, Tip.

    Thanks will, would of never thought about it
  9. rcagosto

    Water Management?

    Sounds pretty good, so far.
  10. rcagosto

    How often to clean home?

    Thanks Hieka for adding the part about the tank, I forgot to say that.
  11. rcagosto

    How often to clean home?

    Actually try using no substrate at all, I would recommend paper towels. Any substrate cause be bad for your cham. They don't need substates since they are arboreal, if you need sand for her egg laying, just put a pot with sand and it would be better.
  12. rcagosto

    How often to clean home?

    Also some insects bury themselves in the sand when feeding an example would be superworms.
  13. rcagosto

    How often to clean home?

    I agree, I also clean my real plants too. Everything gets clean, its not worth having one thing dirty and your cham getting sick cause of it.
  14. rcagosto

    More PM Space

    Cool cool thanks brad.
  15. rcagosto

    Silkworm Feeders, Tip.

    I hate and love silkworms, they are a great staple but there frass always gets stuck on there silk lol. It annoying.
  16. rcagosto

    New Pygmies!

    They look really good and healthy. I'm thinking about getting me some. Good luck to you and your chams. Roberto
  17. rcagosto

    New Cage plans

    Looks good to me, wish I was that talented. What's kind of material your using for the caging? (Pvc coated hardware cloth, aluminum, etc)
  18. rcagosto

    Baby Mantids EVERYWHERE

    That's pretty cool and crazy at the same time lol. Are you going to feed the mantis off as treats or as some kind of staple? Aren't there dangers because of the raptor claws? How are you going to feed them, free range or in a cup? Sorry for the questions just really curious lol. Thanks...
  19. rcagosto

    A few pictures

    I'm speechless. Your Chams Are So beautiful. Good luck, hope I could have a collection like that in the future when I have the space.
  20. rcagosto

    Baby Carpet Chameleons Hatching!

    Really nice babies. That's really cool. Keep up the good work.
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