Are they a good staple feeder?? How would you go along with starting a small colony? Supplies, equipments, etc. Would almost any chameleon openly eccept them?
I been keeping a chameleon since 06 but have learned a lot since then. There are poisonouse plants but there a plants that are ok for chameleons. Like pothos, ficus benjamina. There is a plant list that is one the site, that rates plants and tells you which ones are ok.
Please do. Also if you really want to decorate put a pothos plant on the floor of the cage. It will help make it look good also it will keep the cage humidity up, the reason why live plants are always recommended.
Substrates if eating by a chameleon causes impaction. No substrate a paper towels is best. Substrate also smell because of bacteria growth and that not very good. Some crickets or worms might go in the substrate and that is a waste. Its the health of your cham that is in danger even if you don't...
Well to vary diet, you can use silkworms and crickets as staples, and then give it hornworms, mealworms, wax worms, moths, pheonix worms (mine ignored them but you can try either way), butterworms.
About colors, chameleon don't change to any color of the rainbow, and males usually have the best...
It is recommended not to use any substrate. Chameleon will shoot there tongue at an insect and it could hit a bit of substrate and it can cause problems. The best thing to use is paper towel IMO. Its safe and easy to clean. You really need a subtrate anyway because chameleons are arboreal, but...
I think that would be a bad idea due to the fact that the anoles are wild and could be carrying diseases or parasites. I have heard of people trying to vary there chameleons diet by adding a captive bred anole. I haven't tried it so I don't know.