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  1. JonRich

    My DIY "Display Cages" review...

    Little update on one if the DIY tanks . Redid it to house a pair of Uroplatus sikorae . It's got 1" of hydroton and 2.5" layer of ABG with a LiveOak/Dwarf Magnolia leaf litter. Some vertical tree branches for them to perch on while sleeping during the day (nocturnal gecko) . Unlike the other...
  2. JonRich

    BIG NEWS! Parsonii hatched!

    Congrats Chuck. Super happy for you. I'm sure it's been a longgg bumpy road . Nothing like the feeling of accomplishment tho!
  3. JonRich

    phoenix worm shelf life

    You can feed more for sure. I feed my 1-3 month old Panther Chams about 10-12 medium Phoenix worms a day each, in addition to crickets and fruitflies. As far as how long they store. Depends on what stage they are at. Some places sell "small, medium, large".. Obviously the larger ones will turn...
  4. JonRich

    HUGE SUPERWORM for two little baby ???

    That is a pretty big super. I'd get smaller superworms, or feed crix till they are a bit larger and can take the larger supers.
  5. JonRich

    Shipping anxiety!

    I've also adopted a technique from back when i got my bradypodion shipments from Germany. They ship in a wire cube framed net sack. This way there is open space and the smaller chams have the netting to hold onto while being bumped around during transit. In a deli cup (although it works, and...
  6. JonRich

    Shipping anxiety!

    I used to worry!. But i have shipped quite a few reptiles under almost every weather condition imaginable and all was well.. Usually to a shipper hub "hold for pick up"... I've only shipped to actual addresses 2 times and it was a low 70* day and 50* night condition. I also try to package and...
  7. JonRich

    Ugly Duckling (Gator Jr.)

    Ugly Duckling my butt!!. That boy is stunning. Cool how drastic the color change is at around 8-10 months..
  8. JonRich

    Panther Chams WONT Mate! HELP

    Some slow jams and candle lights should do the trick..
  9. JonRich

    Late Hatchling

    Curious to know also. I have a clutch of Panthers. I split the clutch (some incubated at higher temps and others at lower temps. Well the warmer portion of the clutch hatched in Feb. The cooler temps started hatching last week. Granted it's not 24 months. But 4 months hatch difference...
  10. JonRich

    Is this a sperm plug?

    lmaoo.. But yea, thisss ^^^^
  11. JonRich


    Fixed that for ya. lol :D
  12. JonRich

    Fruit flys harmfull

    Nope, completely harmless. They are not biting flies.
  13. JonRich

    Curious: obviously you love chams but what other vocation do you have?

    Marketing @ Google. I also freelance building tanks and terrariums.
  14. JonRich

    Anyone have instagram?

  15. JonRich

    where to put cricket cup

    ^^^^^^ Thissssss:D
  16. JonRich

    L.williamsi (Electric Blue Day Geckos)

    Sorry for the delay. Havent been as active on the forum lately.. I have a little trick to catch them. I use a 32oz container ( like the ones used for fruitfly cultures.) I skip a day or 2 of feeding. Then using calcium powder i dust the upper 1/4 of the inside of the container. Then i put...
  17. JonRich

    Introducing.. Sith

    Nice pick up. Cant go wrong with a Fuego offspring.
  18. JonRich

    A Greenhouse Surprise!!

    Sickk. But where there is one, there will be more. Be careful where you step
  19. JonRich

    Brookesia superciliaris (Horned Leaf Chameleon)

    Great pickup and great looking tank. Is that a mantid i see in the pic above, on the Brom to the left? what are you offering for them in terms of feeders?
  20. JonRich

    Glass cages?

    If this guy could every keep up with his orders, this would be perfect
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