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  1. veildowner

    cane fencing

    so i had a go puting in the cane fencing and it looks quite good sorry bout the pic quality had to use my old camera
  2. veildowner

    cane fencing

    my job im curently in i see alot of it in peoples gardens and never seen any thats gone moldy and if i do add it to the cage ill keep an eye on feeders hiding in it as i do free range most of my feeders
  3. veildowner

    cane fencing

    anyone used cane fencing used for gardens iin there cage? i bought some the other day for my garden and ive got a goodbit spare and i got thinking about puting it in my panthers cage because he trys to climb the cage sides and eventualy he'll either get stuck or fall. the canes are about 5mm...
  4. veildowner

    tug of war

    this was certainly no experement he was pulling on it so i let go and i no they aint dogs
  5. veildowner

    tug of war

    the create paper was grey i no the can stress out at certain colours never seen him do it to grey before. dnt worry i got it out of his cage so he didnt stress out
  6. veildowner

    tug of war

    had to share this :D i was literally playing tug of war with my veiled this morning with a peice of create paper. i had it in my hand when i was spraying his cage and he fired up, came walking over and grabed the create paper with both hands and tried pulling it off me. so i let go to see what...
  7. veildowner

    What in the living heck!?

    :eek:watching this video makes me think hes either choking or theres sumthing stuck in its pouch where the tongue is stored. reason i think this is the way the chameleon was rocking side to side, my veild did this once about a year ago ( thankfully i was there to see it) he was choking on a...
  8. veildowner

    Habba Mister from Zoo Med

    dont buy a habbamist they are absolutly s**t. they dont mist at all its more of a spit
  9. veildowner


    wow :eek: he has some awesome colours
  10. veildowner

    Hello Everyone

    welcome and cool ull have to get some photos of your jacksons on here when you have time
  11. veildowner


    yea i thought that i just got thinking when i was watching him earlier
  12. veildowner


    my veiled cham has very long nails is it wise to some how clip them or should i just leave them alone
  13. veildowner

    weird or just me

    wish my veild was like this he absolutly hates me
  14. veildowner

    weird or just me

    well hes always tryin to climb onto me n sit on my shoulder (while hes awake) never thought of it that way
  15. veildowner

    weird or just me

    so ive got my panther cham in my room he used to be at the side of my bed and i noticed he sleeps next to the bed if you get me. so anyways i changed my room about last week just the furniture, left my panther in the same place, now my beds in front of the cage and hes sleeping at the front of...
  16. veildowner

    My Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    good look with the lil guy
  17. veildowner

    My Cape Dwarf Chameleon

    first off cool little guy you got there but you should of done some research on these chams before buying him although people will help you on this forum ive googled a care sheet for you this should help
  18. veildowner

    Find Members near you.

    wigan, england
  19. veildowner

    couple of pics

    took a few pics earlier why i was giving him a treat (waxworm) and having a good wonder round his cage:D
  20. veildowner

    help please

    some ones beat me to it :D my internet is being so slow today:mad:
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