my father is a doctor and I believe we could remove the puss in a safe, sterile way.
is that necessary?
is there any particular antiseptics that I should/shouldn't use?
would it be best to remove it parenterally (with a needle) or somehow via the oral cavity?
My Jacksons chameleon seems to have a temporal gland infection.
im having issues adding photos right now. im however am very certain that's the issue.
I only noticed it yesterday so I am unaware if its getting larger
Does anyone know the proper treatment?
Are antibiotics completely necessary...
awsome! thank you again!
ill work on clearing his system then start giving him the LoD every two weeks and phos free calcium 2-3 times per week!
do you know the specifics about what vitamin surpluses/deficiencies are causing is issues with coordination and vision?
are they both caused from too...