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  1. shall i shant i

    shall i shant i

  2. Member Album by nicxcham

    Member Album by nicxcham

  3. nicxcham

    worried about my girl

    i have a female veiled who was trying to climb the back of her cage and she slipped down she turned dark and when i tried to help she scarpered behind her waterfall i left her for a couple of mins but she didnt come out so i moved waterfall and she was laying behind so i picked her up but she...
  4. nicxcham

    breeding troubles

    thanx 4 advice im still worried they both haye each other she tries to go the other way but he chases her aggressively do you think he just wants to breed i dont want them to come to any harm:(
  5. nicxcham

    noise making chameleons

    both my chams make that noise also does this when i hand feed if i put cricket near there faces
  6. nicxcham

    breeding troubles

    i have two veiled chams my male cham i got in sept he is healthy and recently got female cham they are in seperate vivs and when i try to introduce they just want to attack each other i seperated them and 1 week later i tried again and the same thing as my female was in a tank with others she...
  7. nicxcham

    antisocial issues

    angry veiled i have a male cham and recently bought a female the were put into a new enclosure and dont like eachother but the other evening when i turned out the light she slept behind him on a branch and again in the morning they were hissing at eachother then they eat from the same bowl not...
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