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  1. Lleroy

    Incubation eggs, heat problem

    My other eggs inside the other containers seem fine, although their temperatures also went up to 98F/42C. They have been incubating for 4months. Here are some images of them...
  2. Lleroy

    Incubation eggs, heat problem

    Here are some more images...
  3. Lleroy

    Incubation eggs, heat problem

    My incubator started to leak Tuesday, so I had to take out my egg containers and fix the incubator with silicone sealer. Because of it being winter here currently I had to place a blow-heater on the egg-containers while I fixed the incubation tank. Temperatures seemed stable with the blow-heater...
  4. Lleroy

    Bradypodion thamnobates

    Hey Benny. So where did you get them. Not from Seth in Durban?
  5. Lleroy

    Panther not eating

    I'll take some more picture and post them soon. Really worried. I dont want to loose her.
  6. Lleroy

    Panther not eating

    Turning dark now. I'll do that first thing in the morning. Can they eat any kind of butterfly and moth? It’s not going to be easy to find a very small one, but there is always time to save an animal’s life. I know for a fact that she hasn’t eaten anything these past two weeks, cause when I give...
  7. Lleroy

    Panther not eating

    I took those pictures 5min before I started the thread. The flying insect idea sounds good, but to find flying insects is not easy.
  8. Lleroy

    How long until Flap Neck eggs hatch?

    I've read that they are basically the same as Veilds. It will take about 6-10months. Did you read this post? Good luck!
  9. Lleroy

    Goodbye Lily x x

    It brings a tear to my eye to read this post. I understand your sadness. I hope you can get a new Lily that is a reincarnation of the old one. She was beautiful. Hope you can cheer up and feel better soon. Good luck.
  10. Lleroy

    Panther not eating

    I bought a female panther a month ago. She was two months old. When I got her she seemed fine and ate everytime I gave her crickets. About 16 days ago she stopped eating. I've tried Silkworms, Mealworms, Cockroaches and crickets. She just looks at the food. I really dont know what else to do...
  11. Lleroy

    Bradypodion thamnobates

    Here is one of my male and females...
  12. Lleroy

    Bradypodion thamnobates

    They are the best chameleons ever. I love mine. I'm breeding them, and they are very hardy chameleons. They are so chilled and tame. The rasta of chameleons!
  13. Lleroy

    First baby hatched

    Ahhh...Very cool. How long did you incubate?
  14. Lleroy

    Caped Avenger

    Hee hee. How is crime is that area? She surely seem bad ass. lol. Cool pic!
  15. Lleroy

    egg laying please help!

    Any luck? What is her status?
  16. Lleroy

    Sexing Parsons -Please help - Buying both

    Thank you I will.
  17. Lleroy

    Sexing Parsons -Please help - Buying both

    Thank you. 5months. Petshop owner has had them since June/July last here. I've spoken to other local collectors who knew about them but didn't want to take the risk of keeping them. I've decided to take both. Already have a very good setup for them. I'll take better care of them than myself...
  18. Lleroy

    Sexing Parsons -Please help - Buying both

    I'll look into that, thanks.
  19. Lleroy

    Sexing Parsons -Please help - Buying both

    Thank you. That is truly very good advice. Both it shall be.
  20. Lleroy

    Sexing Parsons -Please help - Buying both

    I can surely get them. No one else really wants them. I know of 8 in our country. The chameleon community isn't really very big here. People dont even buy Jacksons over here. Most popular is veils and panthers(like in most countries). But if they are both male, I think I should just take one?
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