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  1. C

    Veiled chameleon drinking from water bowl

    I understand your point, but don't think it's a realistically applicable argument. 1) if someone see a dead cricket or fecal matter in water, and doesn't clean it, they should have ANY pets. Period. If they don't clean that, they won't mist or invest in proper lighting, as they're just inept...
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    A Curious Eye Issue

    Its curious to me that a behavioral reaction that is being seen is immediately thought to be pathogenic in terms of medication, and no environmental. Overexposure to UV can have rather extreme effects,including significant eye issues.
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    A Curious Eye Issue

    Thats not a squint, in my opinion. Thats a lethargic eye close. Id suggest hes being overheated/overilluminated. The 10.0 bulb is a stronger UV bulb, typically made for desert type reptiles. I'd suggest going down a notch.
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    Veiled chameleon drinking from water bowl

    Im of a different opinion. I keep a small water bowl/glass in all my chameleons cages. And place it under a drip area. The containers are clear and refract light a lot, so its a drip drop of water. Once chameleons learn to use it, they will drink all they need at will and the worry of...
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    Anyone else have geckos on here?

    Pair of Madagascar Giant Day Geckos. IM WAITING N MY EGGS YOU TWO!!! LOL
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    Survival rate

    10000000% agreed
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    Chameleon grabbing my face.

    OK, I'll be the stick in the mud. Doesn't anyone feel they're putting their chameleons in unnecessary risk by letting them climb precariously on their head and hair, or around other pets? Its my belief that chameleons dont have good depth perception, especially up close. Watch chameleons...
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    Chameleon Tongue

    Unfortunately, I had a suspicion of this. Depending on how hard and quickly he pulled back may dictate if, and how much damage may have been inflicted. The fact that he is still having difficulty withdrawing it leads me to believe there is some tissue damage of some degree. For now, I would...
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    Chameleon Tongue

    Did your son react by pulling away? Severe tramautic hyperextension can be cause by that and *MAY* cause significant tissue damage.
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    Mercury vapor bulbs

    Really? I have found the exact opposite with my UVB meter. Fluorescents make reasonable UVB, but the Mercury Vapors pump it out. I agree with this, save the 3 foot suggestion. I find my 100 and 140 watt mercury vapors bulbs making insiginificant heat and UVB at that distance.
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    "Warping" cage bottom..

    I take it even one step further. I happen to own an aquarium store, and we use bulkhedas constantly. Like this: If you have an adequate slope, which is pretty easy using a ballasted weighted plant...
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    albino panther female

    Id suggest leaving her alone....but more importantly, pics of the albino female!
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    Hmmmm. Well, I see your point, but also don't necessarily agree. I understand it's physically separated. However standing water in organics are just potentially dangerous IMO. But, as you said, this has been in play for years. I just wouldn't feel comfortable with it. I se no benefit in 1/4" of...
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    I'm sorry, I don't follow. Why have a drain if it doesn't ever reach the drain? And if it does reach the drain, there's 1/4" of standing water. Can you explain? I'm really confused.
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    So then there's at least 1/4" of standing water at all times? Egggghhh. I would want that.
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    Yep, mostly. But for drilling a drain, sides aren't very useful.
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    Actually, most aquariums are tempered. I happen to own an aquarium business. However, I have no idea about the reptile manufacturers. Just check to be sure before attempting to drill.
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    Substrate Nightmare!!!

    Only if the glass is not tempered. I have no idea of these manufacturers use tempered glass, but Im guessing they do, for safety reasons. In which case, its not drillable.
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    Area By Area (& country) Vet list

    Yes, I actually went to him. I just wanted to forewarn about the other clinic, which gets a reputation as an qualified exotic animal vet, but was a waste of time and money for me.
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    Area By Area (& country) Vet list

    Dunwoody GA- VET TO AVOID Located in Atlanta, researched for a good reptile vet, came up with All Creatures Veterinary Hospital. Apparently, the vets there are quite capable. NOT in my experience. I brought a new male veiled to him that was showing early signs of respiratory issues (head up...
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