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  1. SageZA

    Veil keeping eyes closed during daytime.

    ;) Fixed :D One day when i have the time and resources am going to identify all the Pet shops in my area that sell Chameleons and give them an A4 with the correct husbandry with regards to Veiled Chameleons etc. Pet shop owners and employee's at time give bad advise and just want to get it...
  2. SageZA

    Veil keeping eyes closed during daytime.

    What she said sorry did not see this. I jumped the gun :P
  3. SageZA

    Veil keeping eyes closed during daytime.

    This is so sad i can scream. Dude get a reptibreeze or what ever these guys have prescribed as soon as possible. 1) Medium or large Reptibreeze 2) A basking lamp (min 75watt) With a clamp lamp holder or dome. 3) Get a EXO Terra tube or compact repti glo ubv lamp. The little 14 watt tube is...
  4. SageZA

    Jimbo'z Diary - Ambanja Panther Cham

    hmmm interesting......... Funny how all the baby panther look the same when they are a few weeks old. We will have to wait and see. OK so i picked up the 40x40x50 cm Reptibreeze from Reptile Gallary this weekend got it all setup and moved Jimbo into it. I have a Repti Glo 5.0 14 watt Tube...
  5. SageZA

    The NEW TikiTikiReptiles.Com

    taps fingers! :rolleyes: :D
  6. SageZA

    Jimbo'z Diary - Ambanja Panther Cham

    Hoooraaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Thats is awesome news, you must let me know if you need anything. To make sure those eggs are taken good care of :D
  7. SageZA

    Jimbo'z Diary - Ambanja Panther Cham

    This will be perfect for him for now rite? I can use it later for another baby. What can i say i am addicted. Martin at Reptile Gallery ordered its for me on Monday, it just arrived. Jan is ruff can only collect on the 28th...
  8. SageZA

    Jimbo'z Diary - Ambanja Panther Cham

    @chamsssss wow what stunners. Is she eeg bound? Some updated pic for you guys :D Moving him into his reptibreeze end of next week.
  9. SageZA

    First Chameleon

    Hi Try use a feeder cup what is a little has move width that a cup and is a little deeper. Look at the container in the cage i used below this was a cage i used for my 2 month old it was a bit big but worked he is 6 months old now. Also Position it so that she can look down into it and...
  10. SageZA

    Male ambanja from dr gonzo

    Very Very good looking cham. May he bring you lots of eye candy.
  11. SageZA

    Update on the female that has been gravid for 55+ days

    I hope your Girl lays for you 2 :D Please dude I want one of your females when the time is rite so that Jimbo gets some huba huba :P Ill buy it and you can have half of the first clutch. Also want to see if we can continue the Red barred ambanja line without mixing brothers and sisters.
  12. SageZA

    Calcium Supplement

    If you do not like me! fark off! Problem Solved...... rofl just had to :D:D:D:cool:
  13. SageZA

    BBC Chameleon vid

    This is cool thank you :D
  14. SageZA

    Home-made stuff!

    Thats a very cool build. Here is a Cage i built for under $10
  15. SageZA

    Jimbo'z Diary - Ambanja Panther Cham

    Took some pics out in the rain. I ordered a meduim Reptibreeze from Reptile Gallery for Jimbo i will move him into it at the end of the month. :D
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