Nice setup and Cham you have.
But please do be careful when you let him free range like that. One bad fall is all it takes to break something or make his life uncomfortable.
Yea the Green and Red Daddy pant! Attached
He has had pitch black bars since i got him with Red Blue white
He's setup is prime at the moments i hope, really trying my best to provide.
When is the next show you think i can get a female from another mother :D
I have a few more pic'a I will upload it tomorrow.
I have him in Zoo med Repti Cal without d3 and dusting small crix.
He get Natural Sun everyday.
Tyron what do we do in winter for my Veiled and Panther. I am dreading winter :/ :-(
He is really becoming an eyegazim :D id say his around 3something months now.
Reptibreeze 75w SunGlo Halogen neodymium. 14w 5.0 Repto glo. Live Schefflera actinophylla, and some hung small vine. Lots of natural rays
More pix follow..
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He is doing really well, eating bigger dusted crix, he shedded this weekend. He is really a looker.
Panthers are the Business i tell you.
What panthers did you see??? any females available?