I only have real planta in there as I am not a fan of fake plants , and I have a bamboo palm in and a hibiscus and a pothos and a hoya carnosa and some airplants which he seems to love and a jade plant at the bottom of the cage
I do he's mistings 3 times a day , for 3 minutes each but if he is still drinking after that I do an extra 30 sec , hes poop and urinates looks healthy and solid like it should , is that mistings okay or ?
Thank you thank you so much , I was told there were multiple things wrong with he's little forest but I am glad to know now I have done a good job with providing safety and security for my little best bud
Thank you so much , he is just my life atm I can't stop stressing about the smallest thing even though its nothing lol it is that first time cham owner stress lol , I grew up seeing them and all that but never had one as a pet until now , yes I tend to find myself doing the same exact thing ...
This is little Pascalli , I've had him for almost a full month now , I purchased him from a reptile breeding facility here in Sout Africa , they have bren breeding a variety of reptiles snce 1980 and had the best reviews on healthy animals etc and I received my boy in great health.... I was on...