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  1. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Good to know.
  2. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Good ideas! I didn’t know that a pump would be that cheap. Also, is a whole two feet of substrate necessary if you want to make a planted enclosure? Or is it just something special for your Parson’s?
  3. ChamQuestions

    Substrate, Cleaning and Drainage Questions

    So there's no need to wash branches?
  4. ChamQuestions

    Substrate, Cleaning and Drainage Questions

    I will take a look at the video!
  5. ChamQuestions

    Substrate, Cleaning and Drainage Questions

    I am thinking of setting up a bioactive substrate so that I don't have to do as much cleaning when my chameleon poops. However, I am not sure if doing so would be worth it. This is because I don't know how much of a hassle it actually is to clean a chameleon enclosure's bottom. That said, my...
  6. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Thanks for the info. I thought that the standard drainage tray was sufficient for one potted plant?
  7. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Thanks for the pictures! Might need some explanation as to what I am seeing, exactly. :LOL: I wanted to see the pictures, by the way, to see if it was similar to what I had planned or if it is something that I could put together. Would you consider your system/method to be fairly complex? It...
  8. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Never heard of the ledge kit. I'll check it out! And thanks for the link! Oh, and I realize now that "dragon LEDGES" are the product, and "dragon STRAND" is the company. The names aren't the same as I said they were in my first post. So, thanks for the reminder of that, too!
  9. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Anyone have any feedback? I'd really like to figure this out.
  10. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    I'd like to see if it is similar to the idea I had in mind, or if I could use it myself.
  11. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Do you have any pictures?
  12. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    What method do you use to drain the substrate? An idea that I have had in my for a while was to put a piece of PVC pipe through the base of the enclosure and substrate tray, then lead to to a bucket or even through the window that I will be positioning to make a gravity drain. Don't know if this...
  13. ChamQuestions

    Enclosure and Drainage Questions

    Hello everyone! I have been trying to figure out if I should get either a standard 24” wide, 24” deep, 48” tall repti-breeze enclosure, or a dragon strand enclosure of the same dimensions. I ask because dragon strands are more expensive, will probably require a large shipping cost, and I also...
  14. ChamQuestions

    Snake Plant?

    Good to know. Umbrella plant and/or pothos, it is!
  15. ChamQuestions

    Snake Plant?

    One of the first steps in setting up an enclosure for my future chameleon will perhaps be getting a primary plant. I know someone who may be able to give me a snake plant that they no longer have space for, and was wondering if people thought that this type of plant is chameleon-safe or if...
  16. ChamQuestions

    Questions about plants and cleaning

    Where do you put your cham until then? Also, I'm planning on making at least my substrate bioactive, so would that affect it?
  17. ChamQuestions

    Questions about plants and cleaning

    Just spot cleaning?
  18. ChamQuestions

    Questions about plants and cleaning

    Oh, and I just realized, that I never included the "cleaning" part in this post. Whoops! o_O As for that, I was wondering if things like branches, vines, and artificial plants need to be cleaned in a chameleon enclosure or if it is only substrate.
  19. ChamQuestions

    Questions about plants and cleaning

    I was referring to the "other pests" you mentioned. We do have aphids though, yes.
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