Good ideas! I didn’t know that a pump would be that cheap. Also, is a whole two feet of substrate necessary if you want to make a planted enclosure? Or is it just something special for your Parson’s?
I am thinking of setting up a bioactive substrate so that I don't have to do as much cleaning when my chameleon poops. However, I am not sure if doing so would be worth it. This is because I don't know how much of a hassle it actually is to clean a chameleon enclosure's bottom. That said, my...
Thanks for the pictures! Might need some explanation as to what I am seeing, exactly. :LOL: I wanted to see the pictures, by the way, to see if it was similar to what I had planned or if it is something that I could put together. Would you consider your system/method to be fairly complex? It...
Never heard of the ledge kit. I'll check it out! And thanks for the link! Oh, and I realize now that "dragon LEDGES" are the product, and "dragon STRAND" is the company. The names aren't the same as I said they were in my first post. So, thanks for the reminder of that, too!
What method do you use to drain the substrate? An idea that I have had in my for a while was to put a piece of PVC pipe through the base of the enclosure and substrate tray, then lead to to a bucket or even through the window that I will be positioning to make a gravity drain. Don't know if this...
Hello everyone! I have been trying to figure out if I should get either a standard 24” wide, 24” deep, 48” tall repti-breeze enclosure, or a dragon strand enclosure of the same dimensions. I ask because dragon strands are more expensive, will probably require a large shipping cost, and I also...
One of the first steps in setting up an enclosure for my future chameleon will perhaps be getting a primary plant. I know someone who may be able to give me a snake plant that they no longer have space for, and was wondering if people thought that this type of plant is chameleon-safe or if...
Oh, and I just realized, that I never included the "cleaning" part in this post. Whoops! o_O As for that, I was wondering if things like branches, vines, and artificial plants need to be cleaned in a chameleon enclosure or if it is only substrate.