Breadner Vetrinary has two doctors that can see chameleons! If anyone can give input on whether or not a clear-side enclosure is worth it for either veiled or panther when I am going to be getting a mistking anyway, that would be great! It’s one of the last things that I need to figure out and...
Okay, never mind the last bit, I will have to contact the vets tomorrow as both locations are closed now that I got the chance. As usual, I do have more questions, though... (There is a reason I called this account Cham QUESTIONS!) The clear-side enclosure by Dragon Strand is apparently better...
I have heard on the forums before that the answer is “no” in regards to this questions, but should I keep a young (3 months or older) chameleon in a smaller enclosure or is it alright to go larger right away? I’m asking again because it seems to be mentioned on various care sheets as a good idea...
How often should I let a Mist King run to get up to proper humidity levels? I would also be fine with using the Mist King less if I also have to mist by hand, which I can do before I leave for the day and when I return home.
Alright, I did a bit more looking and found this veterinary hospital based in a very near municipality that seems to be able to handle reptiles. Here is a link to the page, you just have to scroll down a bit to find the chunk about reptiles. Also, here is another one. What do you guys think? I...
Hello all! Some more questions for the community to see what input I get:
1) Without taking looks into consideration (enclosures setups are expensive so I want it to be practical first and pretty second), what plants are best for veiled or panther chameleons? Also, are there any plants that...
All very useful! Thanks so much, the both of you!
One thing regarding the price of panther chameleons that I have heard of is that crosses between locales (I don't intend to breed, don't worry) are cheaper. Is this true and if so is it all that much? Because, honestly, I don't really care at all...
Here is an updated list of supplies for you guys to dissect and correct! Stuff that is in brackets is probably something that I am unsure about. :)
- Dragon Strand 24", 24", 48" clear side enclosure kit w/ floor panels and dragon strands.
- Dragon Strand drainage tray (Not sure if I would want a...
In regards to the clearside enclosures produced by Dragon Strand, would there be any risk of a chameleon getting stressed out by their reflection in the glass? I like the sound of a clearside as they seem like a perfect balance, but that is one concern of mine.
Thank you for the information, Beman! I was considering a Dragon Strand early on but eventually changed my mind and decided that it would be better to get a cheaper, standard enclosure and then buy the Dragon Strand clips separately, but I didn't realize that there was a difference in quality...
Don't worry, it's not a literal condo! :LOL: Here ( is the website and here ( is the specific product. In this () video at 4:51 they take a bit about it.
Okay, now I get what the benefit of a MistKing is over other setups: Reliability! I will probably end up investing in one for peace of mind. I have heard that they are tricky to set up for a beginner, though. Is this true or should I expect something that is more intuitive? Also, I would love it...
I figured that the humidity would be maintained for a simple, brief outing. However, they do live in screen cages, so that may result in humidity being lost quickly. I will take about this a little more in a later reply...
Thank you, everyone, for the responses! I would like to point out that I am not questioning the quality of a MistKing setup, I am sure that they are efficient, I would just like to explore alternatives if I can. :)