I use the vermiculite as medium to the eggs:)
i put vermiculite and water together,then i try to grip the vermiculite until
no water drip:cool:
then i put vermiculite in a plastic-box (seal the lid)
the thickness of the vermiculite in the box is 3-5cm
is it any error...
these Veiled eggs are 3 months old now
i think they are all fertile 。:)
the temperature of first month is 82 ,Later,I lower the temperature to 77
last month, today i found some of the eggs leak (sweating?) foul and shrinkage !!!:confused::confused:
then i cut two eggs, i...
"Do you dust the insects with supplements (calcium, vitamins, etc.)?"
Yes i do !
i have 7 chams ,4 panthers ,3 veiled,
they are all healthy except this one ,,,,
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - 15 months old veiled female, under my care for 14months
Handling - Almost never
Feeding - I feed crickets(meal of fruits and vegetables) and silkworm
Watering - A dripper/msiting.(she drinks almost every 2or3 day)
Fecal Description - Quite normal...