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  1. Adgbop


    Sweet little guy! I got a payaso boy from ibdragons. He's doing great!
  2. Adgbop


    Love your tamataves bro! Still have that younger one?
  3. Adgbop

    AZ Rain Dome questions

    Interesting.. why do you stagger your lights? If you don't mind me asking :D
  4. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    Sweet thanks a lot :cool::D
  5. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    Yeah real close to my house. But will the AZ nozzle fit the mistking?
  6. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    Anyone got some extra nozzles for sale? ;)
  7. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate it. So your saying the az nozzle will work with the mistking?
  8. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    Could I get that nozzle also at a hardware store or would I need to go through
  9. Adgbop

    Adding mistking nozzles

    So I might buy a starter misting system off of someone. It only comes with that one nozzle. So my question is what other parts would I need to purchase so I can mist two cages?
  10. Adgbop

    Wire rack drainage

    Sweet that's what I'm talking about! :cool: I love your room! Where do you buy your wire racks?
  11. Adgbop

    Wire rack drainage

    Yeah I've seen that one. Thanks but I'm talking about a drainage system when using the wire shelf like these..
  12. Adgbop

    Wire rack drainage

    Anyone? :confused:
  13. Adgbop

    Aquarium Tropical daylight bulb okay?

    Does it come as a tube or just a regular light bulb?
  14. Adgbop

    Aquarium Tropical daylight bulb okay?

    Is this bulb good for plant growth?
  15. Adgbop

    Wire rack drainage

    I see a lot of you use the wire rack shelving for your enclosures. So I wanna see your guy's drainage setups. So pictures and ideas would be great! :D
  16. Adgbop

    When 1.2 equals 6...

    Ill take one of those babis off your hands ;)
  17. Adgbop

    Built new outside cage

    How did you build this? I love it :)
  18. Adgbop

    Charles growing up so fast!

    Thank you guys! Appreciate all the love :D its been so fun and rewarding to watch this little guy grow. Can't wait to see him in the future :rolleyes:
  19. Adgbop

    Charles growing up so fast!

    Some shots from this morning! He's a big boy now.. I remember he was tiny when I got him. He turned 4 months on the 24
  20. Adgbop

    Plant grow lights

    Thanks for all the help! I'm definitely looking into these for the near future. I love this forum :D so many good ppl and lots of info!
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