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  1. Hibiscusmile

    Spikes or pupae

    Fresh BB Spikes for next week shipping Monday. 6.95 per 500 Fresh blue bottle pupae """"""""""""""""""""""""""" 5.95 per 500 Always fresh house and stable fly pupae 2.25 per 500 This is for forum members only. Contact me at [email protected] for this special offer. Only...
  2. Hibiscusmile

    63 Yellow-lip eggs today...

    Wow, call u lucky!
  3. Hibiscusmile

    Surprise, we've got babies!

    would love to see pic of them, 12 babies, what a wonder. Oh is that them on your hands, I thought it was an avatar! lol
  4. Hibiscusmile


    Check out the butterfly wedding sites. Or go with some wax worms
  5. Hibiscusmile

    Is tap water safe

    I have no idea what others will say, but for me, NO, use filtered water or old water that has sat out for more than a day (24 hrs) or distilled or spring water. Tap water has chemicals in it to clean it. Water sources are dirty and they have to put in bleach and other things in it, we have...
  6. Hibiscusmile

    Cricket/Roach Feed?

    I would go with what most companies use for water, either water crystals or just a plain potato. If you cant remember to water them, the dry food is great and placing a potato in with them supplies the water so u only need replace it when gone or to old. They will do fine this way.
  7. Hibiscusmile

    Custom Eight Cage System

    Absolute wonderful work!
  8. Hibiscusmile

    Cricket/Roach Feed?

    I like to use lots of fresh veggies just for their fluid intake, other than that I make a mix of my own for them and they seem to be fat , healthy and fine. I have in it, oats, wheat bran, brewers yeast, corn and other grains. Crickets are not picky, just want to make sure they get fresh food...
  9. Hibiscusmile

    Hi, new member here!

  10. Hibiscusmile

    Mantis Place

    So do you Nick! You all know Nick started this site in 2006, He is an awesome bug lover, we stay in touch and I would be lost without him. On another note, pupae is always fresh as I order 50,000 of bbs spikes at a time and I pupae some an leave some spikes too. House and stable flies come in...
  11. Hibiscusmile

    Delilah, your suffering has ended.

    So sorry to hear, but you were so good to her. Wish more were caring like you.
  12. Hibiscusmile

    bb pupae, house fly pupae, stable fly pupa

    Fresh blue bottle pupae $5.00 for 500 Fresh house fly pupae $2.00 Fresh stable fly pupae $2.00 Flat rate box shipping $5.25 Hot weather? need cold pack, small .50 large .95 Send to mysterymantis at paypal, please leave note on what you are getting. Thanks.
  13. Hibiscusmile

    Blue Bottle Flies

    I really don't know, Nick! where r u? How many should they feed the little guys a day?
  14. Hibiscusmile


    fruit fly cultures Making a few half size fruit fly cultures 4.95 each, hydei, gliders, mel's. Shipping for one is 6.50 and will need insulation and heat pack at this time of the year. Email me if you want any at [email protected]. Will be full of maggots waiting to be flies!
  15. Hibiscusmile

    Floyd showing off his colours

    Really nice looking guy, should be in pictures!
  16. Hibiscusmile

    Super worms

    They say a steady worm diet is like eating at micky d's every day.....
  17. Hibiscusmile


    Fresh blue bottle spikes $5.00 per 500 approximate by weight. Fresh house fly pupae 500 + $2.50 " " Fresh stable fly pupae 500 + $2.50 " " BB pupae 500 approximate by weight $5.50 (available next Monday) REVISED PRICING JUST ADDED. Shipping...
  18. Hibiscusmile

    Scented Candles

    Thanks, good to know, I raise insects and that would not be good for them either I am thinking.
  19. Hibiscusmile

    Dubia Roaches vs Mealworms

    I heard that and feel the same, haven't touched one yet!
  20. Hibiscusmile

    Dubia Roaches vs Mealworms

    :eek: wordy!
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