Ok so finally got my box of silkworms in after a couple weeks... freaking usps... -_-- Most of them are dead surprisingly 6 are still alive I had two that coocooned to the top of the lid. How long do u guys suppose my silks that are alive will stay alive? I know they are extremely suseptible...
Welcome =D Glad you took an interest! I am a recent joiner also, I love this place =] there is so much you can learn from all the experienced owners here.
wow don't you love how they are like totally different colors while their sleepin? Mine always becomes a bright neon green with spots when hes sleeping. Mrs.Chameleon just stays green =p only when shes mad she will start getting darker
I know suzi I remember talking to you about them but I had ended up getting busy with work and crap and forgot totally about them! =[[ so I just took them and dumped them outside. they didnt even have their coocoon formed =[ They just looked brown and dead. I fail with feeders lol.
nick you can go to our sponsor website at tikitikireptiles.com and go to supplies and it towards the end of the drop down menu it says cricket crack =D
Ya they tend to be skiddish for a little while. My chams llooovvee worms too. Well Hornworms to be exact. I havn't gotten any more thoguh sicne the last batch of em I had. Only problem is my Hornworms made em fat XD XD I tried putting my big ones I had that were ready to pupate in the soil...
Since Ive had mine theyve never had a full body shed until just a few days ago my male was shedding all over the place
I took this picture the other day
I got some more pictures today he was showing some Great Colors that normally he doesnt show! I just didn't upload them yet.
lol this is a funny thread.
Nick Cricket crack is a dry gutload mixed of alot of diff frutis and veggies made by a member on here and I got mine from tiki tiki reptiles. the crickets go crazy for it like its really crack XD XD They love it
lol I know I will overcome this one day. I awnt to watch my chams eat them XD but If I got them my sister would kkill me!! Especially if one....just so happened to get out! I always almost everytime loose a few crickets everytime I open the lid to their container and I hear about it later...