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  1. Tonyww93

    Might b paranoid

    Look for the spurs if its that young, if its older u can tell by color pattern and cascade also of course the spurs 😂
  2. Tonyww93

    New cham, after bad first experience.

    Get ready for the teen male grump😂
  3. Tonyww93

    Chameleon staying up high

    Mine tend to sleep in the middle so its worth filling in imo
  4. Tonyww93

    F-2 male ybbb

    He does have some stunning reds so far
  5. Tonyww93

    4 mouth old

    Hes a grumpy chunk now lol
  6. Tonyww93

    4 mouth old

    This was 4-6 months
  7. Tonyww93

    Website Manager - JacksJill

  8. Tonyww93

    Am I male or female

    Lol time for a better exotic vet imo
  9. Tonyww93

    Am I male or female

    Yep its male %100
  10. Tonyww93

    Am I male or female

    It has male stripes so im curious if it has spurs
  11. Tonyww93

    Am I male or female

    Can u take a pic of the back feet?
  12. Tonyww93

    Dactylotum Bicolor

    Dang u huys feeding ur chams crazy looking hoppers😅 making mine kinda jelly over here😂😆
  13. Tonyww93


    Thats pretty kool ngl!
  14. Tonyww93

    Morio beetles - what now?

    Yep i just buy super worms mainly to throw in my bioactive never fails within a few weeks ill see beetles running around so my dude can snack on them
  15. Tonyww93

    US F2 YBBB Ambilobe Panther Chameleon Juveniles

    Those are stunning!!!😍😍
  16. Tonyww93

    Question about live plants

    If you do find plants at walmart/lowes right now you could probably get them at a cheaper price cuz they would be out of "season"
  17. Tonyww93

    Question about live plants

    Or be sneaky and sneak into her garden and find a good looking plant and make your cham hold it hostage for another plant of its preference 😉 lol jk. But pythos tend to grow wild around me so i would assume taking a trip outside wouldnt hurt before the cold hits
  18. Tonyww93

    Dactylotum Bicolor

    Dont worry its probably like $20 for a set of 3 of those hoppers anyways😂 that cham better get a job instead of sittin and lookin pretty lmao
  19. Tonyww93

    Veiled chameleon female teenage years

    A good tell tell sign that veileds are about ready to lay is by the gravid spotty color patterns and belly structure
  20. Tonyww93

    Veiled chameleon female teenage years

    Shes looking gravid and about to lay imo, btw careful tong feeding
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