Bright side is since she got it from petco they will be infertal eggs so you wont have to deal with babies compaired to getting one from a person and suprise you have 36 little ones to take care of
Sad to see females can go down very quickly when egg bound😔 but yes like all the others have said she needs a bin and vet asap. In the future to figure out if a veiled is a male or female look at the back feet you will see a bump on the back side kinda like heels. The pattern is also a second...
Lol if shes like my veiled you wont have to worry about trimming your plants😆 my dude eats all the new shoots on his umbrella plant, i seen him take bites out of the bigger leaves once in a while but the new ones are gone within the day they pop up😐
Lol figured id ask but still congrats on the eggs without any complications!😆 guess now you could have some mini easter eggs if you had the fancy of dyeing them lmao😂
Yep my guy and lady were both shy at first but he started to get territorial of his cage so he mainly comes out when its on his turms or i run the risk of him trying to bite lol😆 have you introducehand feeding yet?
Looking good for a little guy😆😍 take all the baby pics while you can they get big fast! But the brown highlights is normal right now my guy has more of a black/purple highlights in those spots. This is a pic of when he was small so you can compair and the bottom pic is a recent pic of him after...