I wouldnt turn it up too much but if you do just keep an eye on him so he doesnt get burnt cuz the temp you have it on is correct but some males like to be a little warmer on the basking temp from some of the stuff ive read.
Hmm interesting, were you misting her when she was shedding? That happend to my guy but not to that it was just spots on his veil, so now i tend to turn off my mister and use my water drop system until they get done shedding to avoid that issue
Super lucky on getting a nice one! My lady isnt that temperamental but the male is like a toddler😆 when he gets out of his cage hes just fine but getting him out is the risky part lol. But im getting the sam from someone on this site
Lol never had my veileds try to head but but they definitely arent afraid to bite😑 when i go to hold them i cant have my fingers showing or they hiss and lundge but yet can hand feed without any problem. I usually go in with a closed fist so he can climb on my arm if im cleaning his cage and ive...
So this up coming week ill be picking up a juvenile male sambava 6.5 month old. Excited to have some different colors in my collection going on! Just curious on what to expect🤔 will he be super grumpy like my veileds? Plus any tips on having them is very helpful😊
Naw i was more or less looking for an egg tbh but ended up picking up a 6.5month savbana up instead😅 was in a toss up on what i was wanting to home in my extra cage
Idk my veiled likes a little piece of smashed banana every once in a while (very rare treat for them) if i do its normally not much like maybe the tip then kinda smash it and set it on a vine but never fails not even 10 seconds later hes on it
Thats what i done mine too but figured he would like a surprise of a big moth or two lol nope way wrong😂 he will take on hoppers and even butterflies/ dragonflies so whats the diff😆
Moths are one thing my dude wont munch on had to let some of them go😒 they litterly sit in his cage and he wont go near them but when i do he will hiss and get grumpy unless im hand feeding him😂