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  1. Oski

    new pics of female falys & mitsio

    :)Very nice Mitsio Love the green/yellow and red eye turrets, such a nice locale. Have you any of your male Faly?
  2. Oski

    Anyone here have a Diego Suarez Panther.

    Bump, anyone?:)
  3. Oski

    Anyone here have a Diego Suarez Panther.

    Hi, I just wondered if anyone on this forum kept this locale? If so any pictures would be great thanks:)
  4. Oski

    Red Eye Tree Frogs

    Stunning, I too would like some, one day in the future, amazing.
  5. Oski

    Zoo Med 60W Blue Heat Bulb EXPLODED

    I had a normal light bulb pop before, for no reason, I think like said above if any mist hits them they will blow,
  6. Oski

    Cobalt's first birthday - photo progression

    He is so nice looking, very nice colouring,:)
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