You've got a nice set up there pal i think i need a hollowed out log like that tbf but ye wish i got a crested now but my chameleon was so friendly like it was never shy she always wanted to climb up my arm n be taken outside for a lil climb but i dont think i can do it with this one
Hes not overly shy like hes always coming close to the glass observing me but as soon as i put my hand close either outside the glass or in very slowly he'll still dart off at 100mph but he seems to be exploring the enclosure abit more instead of just staying at the very top like he normally...
6 months sweet jesus im just trying to put my hand next to him to get him used to it i think hes probably scared from being in the pet shop and children constantly banging on the window but yea they've all got there own personalitys cant say im getting stink eye but hes sending them signals ...
?? nope not trying to sell me insurance he just prefers to eat my flesh he just keeps hiding behind the heatlamp i cant tell if hes drinking ir not because he literally just stays there all day quite annoying
Urs i like mine we made all that forest terrain for em and they'll still only chill on thetop of the cage ? but god dam you're making me want to wear gloves ?
Do i get banned from the group now i dont have a chameleon ? was just wondering if any of you guys have got one because ive just got him and hes very skittest around and was just looking for some pointers on how to tame him ive tried offering honey n such but hes just not interested