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  1. S

    Hawaii Laws I've heard that you can no longer send even Jackson's to or get Jackson's from Hauwaii.
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    one question about socializing....

    I don't mean to hijack this thread, but any suggestion about socializing your chameleon? If I were able to catch my own chameleon, is there a way to determine which ones are more social? Are some just social off the bat, or over time some just progress to become more and more friendly over...
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    Cricket Feeder Cup

    Thank you very much for your helpful responses. Pardon my ignorance, but about how many inches is too deep, and too shallow. I heard that a Jackson's toung shoots out 1.5 times the length of its body. Is that including its tail unwound. Also, is there a fear that the Jackson's could fall...
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    Cricket Feeder Cup

    Anyone design any kind of cup to keep crickets from escaping the cup, while enabeling a Jackson's to feed from the cup? If I can do this, then I may not cricket-proof my cage to enable better sunlight in.
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    How large is TOO large to free range crickets for a Jackson's

    If I were to free range feed crickets to a Jackson's, how large would TOO large of a cage be? I heard that if you were free range feeding crickets, and your cage is too large, then your chameleon will not be able to catch the crickets.
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    Do Jackson's require any vegetables?

    Do Jackson's require any vegetables, or can they just live off of properly gutloaded and dusted crickets?
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    Aluminum cages, pros and cons.

    perhaps you could post some pictures.
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    Jackson's: Male or Female?

    Any pros or cons about getting a male or female Jackson's?
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    Best for letting light in: aluminum screen, glass, or plexi-glass

    Okay, that is what I thought I read else where on this forum. Carol5208: Your set up is awesome. I was thinking of something similar (but mine would probably be a little smallter).
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    Best for letting light in: aluminum screen, glass, or plexi-glass

    I’m looking to get my first chameleon, and am considering building my own cage. My locale affords climate such that I can keep the chameleon outdoors, which I was thinking would provide good natural lighting. I would like to cricket-proof the cage so most of it will be aluminum screen. I...
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    Attracting natural insects

    My locale affords climate such that I can keep the chameleon outdoors. I’m looking to get my first chameleon, and am considering building my own cage. My plan was to mainly provide properly dusted and gut-loaded crickets. But I was also I was also considering building a cage where I could...
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    Cricket Infestation

    I'm new, and just purchased (my first) 20 crickets (medium) to feed/keep a wild brown Anloe for a week or so. In any case, we have about five more crickets, kept in a jar with ordinary window screen rubber banded on the top. We have kept this jar in the house, for convenience. I just found...
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    Feeding an Anole

    How much time should go by between each hand fed cricket? Like hours, or minutes? He has taken three just minutes apart. And another time he took one, then spat out the second.
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    Dangers to humans from wild Anole

    Dangers to humans from wild Anoles or Jackson's I've had a wild Anole for about a week now. I heard someone mention paracites from a chameleon. Are there any dangers to humans from Anoles or Jackson's (paracites, germs, etc.)?
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    Handling your Chameleons?

    Jackson's Is the bite of a Jackson's sever enough to cause stiches? How rare is it for the Jackson's to actually like to be held?
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    wierd behavior

    Cool. Congratulations. Coming from someone who never owned a chameleon and has only started researching for a week or so like me, this is the kind of behavior I was kind of hoping for. Also, just a comment from a non-cham, newbie "lightens up extra when i come close," just provokes a funny...
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    Feeding an Anole

    I've had him less than a week. So is that five to six medium crickets each day, for five days of the week for a total of 25 to 30 crickets per week? Or five to six medium crickets in that entire week, spread across five feeding days in that week. Also, how large should his cage be?
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    Hunting for Jackson’s in the Wild

    Any tips on hunting for Jackson’s in the wild? Day or night? I heard that when they sleep they do not camouflage? Not sure if this is correct. How high in the trees should I be looking? Any type of trees?
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    Feeding an Anole

    Any recommendations about getting my new Anole (brown) to eat? I think he is full grown. I usually need to grab him, get him to open his mouth, and place the cricket in his mouth. On only two occasions he ate when I rubbed the cricket on his face, which caused him to open his mouth. Also...
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    Anole, Jackson's, Panther or Veiled .. for Newbie

    Yeah, honestly, the nephew does justify my wanting/getting one. And, yes, I’ll be taking full responsibility for its care.
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