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  1. m1les

    What did I do wrong? I'm so heartbroken.

    I agree, there is nothing wrong with glass enclosures, but as a baby it might increase the chance of them developing a respritory infection.
  2. m1les

    What did I do wrong? I'm so heartbroken.

    Where did you buy from?
  3. m1les

    What did I do wrong? I'm so heartbroken.

    I’m not an expert on respiratory infections, but it could be possible he was kept in a glass enclosure that caused it before he was sold to you... just a possibility.
  4. m1les

    What did I do wrong? I'm so heartbroken.

    I’m just confused as to why the breeder sold you a one month old chameleon. Sorry to hear about your loss.
  5. m1les

    Eye Flushing In Chameleons

    Couldn't you do this whole thing without the needle? I think its unecessary and can hurt the eye. A plain syringe would be a different story. Edit: someone already brought this up just ignore
  6. m1les


    How often should I give my baby panther chameleon supplements? I assume 5-6 times a week calcium without D3 and a multivitamin once a week?
  7. m1les

    Male or female?

    Got a lot more pictures if anyone else wants to guess.
  8. m1les

    Male or female?

    He also sent me this picture when I requested some more. Haven’t really see the whites yet either. (Sorry for blowing up your notifications)
  9. m1les

    Male or female?

    I can get more pictures if you would like.. I don’t want shadows throwing you off or something.
  10. m1les

    Male or female?

    I was also told that she was most likely female but I came on here to ask more experienced keepers. I asked the breeder about her color a few hours after she arrived and he told me she just changes it a lot for temp mood etc which I obviously knew.
  11. m1les

    Male or female?

    Not sure if this is what happened but I’m kind of contemplating it. They had a batch of chameleons that sold out and I called and asked if they had any coming in and they said they would this week. They also said that they had one from the last clutch that hadn’t been sold. I’m thinking that...
  12. m1les

    Male or female?

    Apparently it was born early March but I’m not sure. Watched some videos of 5-6 month old chams and this one looks only a few months.
  13. m1les

    Male or female?

    U want more pictures to confirm
  14. m1les

    Male or female?

    One more for good measure
  15. m1les

    Male or female?

  16. m1les

    Male or female?

    They’re in a bad position atm.... give me 5
  17. m1les

    Male or female?

    I just got a baby panther chameleon and I’m not sure what gender it is. I think it’s a girl but I’m not an expert. The stuff on them is moss from the package they came in.
  18. m1les

    Baby chameleon looks stressed

    Update she is a way lighter gray, ate crickets and drank water.
  19. m1les

    how far?

    You might want to buy a new light if u get another cham to ensure heat
  20. m1les

    Baby chameleon looks stressed

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Panther, most likely female, 2-4 months Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Never Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are...
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