iv never had a reptile..last month i bought a yemen..there easy to look after if you read up on them..give your self a few days reading up on yemens. also read this - http://webhome.idirect.com/~chameleon/owners/index.html
i tryed a 2 pint cup with tiny hole in bottom which would drip on to the plants..but the only time i see him drink is when hes shedding?he wee is white so i know hes getting enough water..i need one of the intravenous drip things
hi:)..the one on the left is called Corn plant Dracaena fragrans and the other 2 are ficus of some sort..do what i did..go to this link..print it out then when u go to the plant store u can make sure the ones u buying are the right ones..im picking up a umbrella plant tomorrow..the big corn...
here is his final home..a 100 gallon exo terre flexi.im going to pick up another plant for the left side of the flexi in the next few days...if you think theres any way for me to make it better for him please let me know.
the uv was bought for a 38 gallon..now i have a 100 gallon im thinking...
no soft box..i bought a A3 bit of paper and sponged on 3 difrent colour greens..i then put the chameleon on a plant i had and placed the bit of painted a3 paper about 1 foot away from the plant.i stuck it on the wall behind the plant...also if u want a white background like this shot below just...
fake background..1 flash on the subject and 1 on the background.something about the shot i dont like..i think its the background..needs to be a brighter green i think.sometimes i wish my yemen was more grumpy..theres nothing better than geting a shot with its mouth open.tbh tho he very rarley...