I am not sure if the website is up to date at all because there are chams that they got in 2010. But it said there is a 25 dollar adoption fee, then you gotta fill out stuff about why your adopting and how your gunna care for them ect. And then the cost of shipping. Its basically a rescue...
I was just lookin around and stumbled on this website. They have chameleons that could no longer be taken care of or that did not receive the proper care and were taken from their. Original homes. I wish I could adopt one of these little guys, id actually prefer it than getting a panther this...
Measure the basking temperature spots. They should be in the low 80's for a female veiled. Use calcium no d3 every feeding, calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin like herptivite twice a month. Don't give a cam meat or things really high in protein or fat. Gutload the crickets with...
0.1 veiled and soon to be 1.0 panther either ambanja or nosy be. And I swear they are addictive, when I am gone for like a month over the summer I will be shaking and paranoid and shit all the time lol. Everyone here is an enabler, and a daily user of the cham ;)
You won't have to worry about egg binding or laying bins with a female either. http://tikitikireptiles.com/# go to this link and click on the veiled tab, id highly suggest purchawsing from them
Ya you should be good. I know your not getting a veiled right now but in their habbitat in yemen/saudi arabia it will sometimes frost and they don't have a problem with that
For a year old female veiled you would probably want to feed her every other or every two days maybe. Have her basking temp at 81-82f, keep a laying bin in the cage at all times and it should be at least a foot deep by a foot wide by a foot long and filled with washed playsand or washed playsand...
Oh dang I think either this year or next there's supposed to be cicadas hatching in iowa. Are they safe to feed to my cham? The dog I used to have was a weiner dog and he used to catch these and play with them then eat them lol
I was actually considering that. Maybe do like get one per year or two years or something. But if I got all the chameleons I wanted I would have hundreds or thousands to take care of lol
They don't have any ambanja babies otherwise I would already have made up my mind. But it looks like smbava is the popular vote here soo I guess I'm gunna go with sambava. Do you have any pics of your guy pssh?
I looked at all the sires today. Ace's chams sire "two face" has little males that will be avail in july. I also saw the offspring of devine touch that is sub adult and those colors are beautiful. Great company with great chameleons deffinately