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  1. okiroo

    Clair + Update(pic hev.)

    I do, but I dont buy an animal without serious thought beforehand. Right now, I'm not really looking into anything. :) Thankyou.
  2. okiroo

    Clair + Update(pic hev.)

    Thankyou Jann, your the reason I freerange :)
  3. okiroo

    Clair + Update(pic hev.)

    Clair poops in the same place and i clean when i find it. It's really not as gross as it sounds. lately shes been pooping in the soil, lucky me. :) Thankyou
  4. okiroo

    Clair + Update(pic hev.)

    Heres an update on all the things I have going on. 2 acyrlics are being bleached and were left out. might get a mantis to put in them. Clair is my only cham- and only pet. shes spoiled rotten and always gets new trees and stuff :) Just cut down the plants and cleaned- thinking about dart...
  5. 020


  6. 024


  7. 021


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  13. 016


  14. 10/30/1012


  15. okiroo

    The Unusuals :^)

    i so agree on this.
  16. okiroo

    Halloween 2012

    He doesnt dress up. i Was Bumble bee. we went to a bar :p
  17. okiroo

    Albino dubia?

    That was so random! LOL! --but also good information.:p
  18. okiroo

    Chameleon room project

    that is so amazing!
  19. okiroo

    My Family Might Be Going To Madagascar Without Me

    I think you should find someone really awsome to look after them while your gone so you know they're in good hands. But if decide not to go thats understandable- just as understandable as if you decide to go. either way will be hard.
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