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  1. ken2414

    I think my cham is constipated!!

    I recently fed my 5 month old veiled super worms, he ate about six wont accept them or crickets. i am coming to believe hes constipated...what are the signs and how can i help him? maybe a laxative
  2. ken2414

    can you feed superworms to a veiled with a snout length of 2"?

    ok thanks i will do that.
  3. ken2414

    Hmmm.... Is this rope safe?

    ha ha you named him mclovin from superbad did you?
  4. ken2414

    can you feed superworms to a veiled with a snout length of 2"?

    ok, im going to the mart on friday. i will get enough, but at nine cents a pop my mom is guna freak, and he is on the binge where he eats like 20 a day.
  5. ken2414

    Is my chameleon happy?

    wasnt someone looking for this morph? where did you get him if you still remember?
  6. ken2414

    how do you guys get your chameleon out its cage??

    ohh ok i will try that. im not trying to get bit but its getting annoying, all he does is bully me :( and think im scared when i dont advance after he hisses I wish he would get, but he won't, that im doing it all in his best interest. he bask in natural sunlight, he is healthier, i dont pay...
  7. ken2414

    What are everyone's major?

    im still in high school but im actually shooting for the stars. i want to work at nasa and hopefully get into astronaut training, its hard i know, and to the international space station. i have to go into engineering though too.
  8. ken2414

    can you feed superworms to a veiled with a snout length of 2"?

    will he last on them till next thursday. by the way he didnt eat them today, just stared at them..
  9. ken2414

    how do you guys get your chameleon out its cage??

    he usually didnt mind me holding him but the traditional male veiled came out and sure enough he hissed. im thinking of letting him bite me so we both can get over it......
  10. ken2414

    how do you guys get your chameleon out its cage??

    im really trying to be nice to my chameleon charlie and he was moved into his permanent home, a 48" tall by 24x24" enclosure. now its hard to find him and when i do, i try to get him out to sun here in socal. i stick my hand in and he runs away, now he has gotten the nerve to his at me!! so how...
  11. ken2414

    I'm getting a 5 month old Veiled tonight!!

    what kind of cage are u running for him??
  12. ken2414

    can you feed superworms to a veiled with a snout length of 2"?

    i am getting crickets from lllreptile next thursday so i went to petsmart and all they had was superworms which are 3" in length. I fed them to my hungry charlie and he ate them. he chomps it down peice by peice and i cant watch it. i keep thinking he will choke on the worm. so my question is...
  13. ken2414

    wild caught bugs

    if you give the moth a dark place and a stick and food it should live.
  14. ken2414

    Vieled Morphs

    jeez it looks like the sharpie morph, good luck finding them they are cool looking.
  15. ken2414

    baby veiled cham

    you also said you kept the temps at 84-90 if i am correct, this is way to high. 72-76 is good for the young babies.
  16. ken2414

    Sven vs Silkworm

    you could try puting the silkies in with his crickets in his feeding cup. he may figure out that whatever goes in the cup is edible since he knows the crickets are edible
  17. ken2414

    Earth Day 2008

    i dont know about some people but i wud put a dinosaur or somethin but not me. i hate gettin my pic takin
  18. ken2414

    Where do you find a ficus?

    i get mine at a marine base and i got one for 12 bucks for an umbrella plant that was 4ft tall.
  19. ken2414

    chameleon being weird

    his eyes werent closed he was just staring, probably lookin for food. he shot straight up to his plant when he saw me so he couldnt be a sick groggy chameleon.... i will keep an eye on him though.
  20. ken2414

    wild caught bugs

    they both are kinda right. if you feed wild bugs to your cham you introduce the possibilty of parasites. i feed my chamleon house flies. its really up to you and where you live. if you live by a farm i wouldnt or by any place else like a chemical plant :) otherwise it shouldnt do anything to cham.
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