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  1. J

    starting my tweeking

    Do you think the sides of the cabinet can withstand a lot of spraying? You might want to line them with plastic of some sort...or paint them with a sealant. What kind of plants are you going to put in there?
  2. J

    New Here

    the more plants you put in the enclosure, the more humidity it will hold. Think about adding a small ficus or sheffelera. I put the expanding styrofoam in the back of my tanks, but they ARE tanks...I have brevs and frogs. I usually coat it with a mixture of peat moss and some kind of adherent...
  3. J

    Little help from some friends?

    They get dark b/c they absorb more heat from the light that way.
  4. J

    Hello Just got a pair of Chams had a few questions

    I'm so sorry to hear about the male...I was in a similar situation when I worked for a vet. We had a newborn kitten that the mother had no milk for; we took turns taking the baby home, to feed it every hour. When the owner finally took it home, she couldn't be bothered to wake up to feed it...
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    gorgonian Paramuricea chamaeleon

    Trace, you're killing me...:D :D
  6. J

    natural ant repelant?

    somebody else chime in here...but can't you put the legs of your cage/stand in water, and keep the ants from coming in that way? Of course they're already in, in your case; but if more can't join them it's not as bad. I know I've read other solutions to keeping them out...vaseline, maybe?
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    Temporalis Pygmy Chameleon

    chad, yeah it's hard to double the price of the pretend like they really cost $'s worth it to get them shipped right, and to get quality cb critters....;)
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    things you wish you knew for your first chameleon

    I did most of my research before I got my brev...but I would have LOVED to have know that the "male" was a female! (Actually, after reading Roo's article, I looked at her while she was still at the store and guessed it was a female...but the guy said that he doesn't order females from the...
  9. J

    A newbie seeks for help..

    You should seriously consider pygmies...they are much more suited to the kind of setup you already own. You would want to plant the tank, rather than the drier environment your beardie was used to, and as Zerah said, the feeding dishes etc. aren't needed. They don't need as much heat as the...
  10. J

    Gravid Brev?

    I love the Yoda talk...who knew he was an animal OB/GYN? They both look like females to me. Yolanda isn't nearly that rotund...guess she has a while to go....
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    Pygmy Palace (round 2)

    Roo, I'm glad you're not defensive about the Misty Mate any more! I do love mine, mostly because I have brevs. When it's out of water Drew will often be lazy and use the frog mister (like Will pictures) instead of refilling the misty mate; but the fine spray is sooooo much better for their...
  12. J

    Does this feeling ever go away?

    It is REALLY hard to find a brev at the spur of the moment...for the first several months we had them, my son would go to mist them and invariably come to me in a panic b/c he couldn't find one of them. Of course, they were always there....but sometimes it took ME a good five minutes to find...
  13. J

    Emergency ! My Vield Chameleon is dying please hel!

    Kinyonga-- the pics are actually coming up very slowly...I've been on this post about five minutes and the first one is about 3/4 there. I know nothing about prolapses in chams but it doesn't look pretty....:(
  14. J

    Would like to know..

    Do some searches...look at the gallery of users' chams, look at pics of enclosures, look at threads on health, food, breeding, everything! Google "veiled chameleon caresheets"...but don't believe all of them, find out where most agree (and agree with keepers on this forum). Do a little...
  15. J

    Your First Chameleon

    My first was a female bevicaudatus that I was told was a male...she died, possibly from being eggbound.
  16. J

    How many bearded pygmys?

    Patrick, nine months ago I bought three young brevicaudatus, hoping for one male and two females. However, I ended up with two males and one female. They stayed together for some time, but at about four months of age the males were obviously stressing each other. One was always dark and was...
  17. J

    Pygmy Laying Eggs

    Roo, I finally came to the same conclusion about our egg/neonate brev. This was all about a year ago; you may remember, the female died a couple weeks after laying; there was another egg, retained. She was WC and heaven only knows if it was retained sperm, or a male "donated" that was captured...
  18. J

    new owner.

    The funny thing about that mister, Jake, is that if you don't buy the official "pet" version (it's a people mister called Misty Mate) it's much cheaper! A 12 oz. bottle w/sprayer is about $7 at Wal-Mart. Yeah, it doesn't have the "high-quality brass misting head", but I could buy five of them...
  19. J

    Nasty fall

    Boy! It's early to say you've escaped serious problems, but it's starting to look possible! This is a scary story, and I really admire your commitment to this critter. Good luck! :D
  20. J

    How bad is an aquarium with screen

    Depends on the species and age of chameleon..but most of the true chameleons need more air circulation than an aquarium can supply. They live in the trees, where the air moves all the time. The pygmy chams, which live in the undergrowth nearer the ground, need more humidity, and do well in...
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