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  1. J


    Only other suggestion would be to somehow cover the drip-water catch container, so that he can't fall in (or crickets either...they get gross when they drown and stay wet...:rolleyes: ) perhaps with screening, or pantyhose.
  2. J

    New Panther Chameleon owner

    Brad, are there roaches that don't get very big? Like too big for a brev? I'm not having much luck with a varied diet for my guys; they won't look at phoenix worms, and everything else around here is too big. I tried ordering extra small silkies yesterday, but the supplier apparently got a...
  3. J

    new guy here

    Or, you could consider a frog or two...that tank would make a great terrarium-type setup for a couple White's tree frogs, or several red-eyed tree frogs, or a whole lot of dart frogs. Actually, that sort of depends on the shape of the tank....if it's not real tall, the White's probably wouldn't...
  4. J

    Leaf cham << HELP needed

    That's pretty cool...I love the mossy branches.
  5. J

    Hi, cham newbie

    Welcome to the forum, from another newbie! I'm also into fish...and frogs, newts, guinea pigs, dogs....etc. etc. :D What kind of chameleon have you got? Did your friend just not want it, or was it a gift?
  6. J

    Mites in the tank?

    I have noticed little bugs in my brev tank, very small, round, I think with six legs. I see them a LOT when I mist the tank, mostly on the bottom of the tank in the moss, sometimes on the branches, sometimes on the chams :eek: ! They don't seem to be living on the chams, just walking around...
  7. J

    Handyman Impaired

    What were the chams in before? I don't keep big chams, but my uneducated opinion is that it's not near tall enough and they could use the bottom open...i.e., a full screen enclosure instead of a tank/cage top. I think that setup would work OK for young chams; I wouldn't pitch it (but then I...
  8. J

    Leaf cham << HELP needed

    I don't know that he has any right now, but I got my brevs from Mike at FLChams and they have done very well. He has some other interesting pygmy leaf chams, too.
  9. J

    New to Chameleons, and heres my enclosusre build

    Will, thanks for the info on the dart frogs...I never knew that! I knew other critters got their poisons from their diet, but I never thought about the dart frogs. So does that cross over to my Cynops he not toxic, either, since he only gets frozen bloodworms and mysis? (not...
  10. J

    New to Chameleons, and heres my enclosusre build

    Just to throw in my .02...I am always nervous about mixing different species of reptiles and amphibians, even if they are from the same locale in the wild. But brevs and dart frogs are not found in the same areas (correct me if I'm wrong) and the poisonous nature of the frogs' skin would worry...
  11. J

    Blueprints for cage????

    rocagasto, I've done some backgrounds like you're talking about. You need to have a solid back and/or sides to your enclosure, then plan what you want on the background (driftwood sticking out? Plants planted in it? How many? what kind?). If you want driftwood or sticks, you have to secure...
  12. J

    Holding Chams...

    Actually I thought he was kidding...actually I thought he was a little punchy b/c he was up typing that at 11:45PM...but that may not be late for a lot of people, just me! My chams don't run away from me (they don't run at all) but they don't climb on me unless I give them a nudge. I usually...
  13. J

    My new chameleon

    Jordan, he is amazingly cute! Tygrr, that's a great story! The "lair" the woman is carrying out looks like a terrarium with a sarracenia pitcher plant....wonder if the carnivorous plants got in on it :D
  14. J

    What's your cham's name...

    My two male brevs are named Dot and Stripe...Stripe is more stripey looking and brown, Dot is more mottled and a green-blue. The female is Yolanda. My 10 year old son named them...they're really his....:rolleyes:
  15. J

    R. Brev just laid 1 egg. Now what?

    Vermiculite, if you can find it...I did use seed starter mix, and the egg made it all the way to hatching, although it didn't successfully hatch. I put it in a ziploc container, punched a couple of pinholes in the lid, put the thing in a closet and checked it every couple of days. I had it...
  16. J

    Hydrometer placement

    Actually, I am having a similar problem...I have a Flukers thermometer/hygrometer, and yesterday it decided that it was 168˚F and no humidity. I've only had it a couple of months, but in my 10g brev tank, there isn't much place to put it that it won't get soaked when we mist. Is the thing...
  17. J

    Separated the boys...

    Well, yesterday my son noticed the two male brevs gaping at each other and looking puffed up. A few minutes later, he caught one of the males (Dot) and Yolanda possibly mating. So this morning, we adapted the tank that formerly held his MIA grey tree frog (he left the lid propped...several...
  18. J

    umm . maybe problem - help :S

    Could it be one of his hemipenes is swollen? I don't have a link, but I'm sure you can find several pics of hemipene problems on this forum. Is it by his leg, alongside his tail? Or by his leg, alongside his abdomen?
  19. J

    Leaf cham << HELP needed

    Also, (I'm sure you know this) repot the suckers without perlite in the soil. I think the number of plants is great! The brevs will love it...and you'll have so much fun trying to find them every day!:D
  20. J

    Strange Eye Problem.

    I don't know what species you have, and I have pygmies, which I'm sure yours isn't...but I think you should spray them directly sometimes, to help them clean out their eyes. Mine don't enjoy it, and it's creepy when they do the eye-bulgy thing to clean them; but I haven't had a problem with...
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