What kind of marine epoxy did you order? In sealing various things for terrariums and vivariums, I've yet to find something that waterproofs and doesn't put out fumes forever! I'm always reluctant to order something, for some weird reason...Home Depot never has the right stuff, though.
Scooter, this is an unorthodox substitute, but I have used styrofoam packing peanuts in the bottom layer of some of my terrarium/vivariums. Only suggestion is to get the s-shaped ones, as opposed to the 8-shaped ones, because the 8 ones squish down easier. They're lightweight, inert, and they...
Scooter, the only question Heika didn't answer was the one about handling...and I'd say, don't. I've had mine out a few times to clean their tank, but I just pick up the stick they're on (or strongly suggest they get onto), then put it in a different box or tank. I have let them climb on a...
OK, Kinyonga, you beat me to it...my 'puter's acting wierd...but here's the companion article to that one...http://www.chameleonnews.com/stumphabitat.html
When I was researching these guys, the main problem finding info was that they go by so many names: bearded pygmy cham, pygmy leaf cham...
Drip systems should be at Petsmart or another large pet store...if you have a smaller local store, the owners may know more and may be able to help you find the right equipment. I got a Big Dripper, has a large container w/a tube that you can adjust flow rates; but I have used a 1g water jug...
I'm sure this sounds silly, but I've noticed Bubba's feet before, and I love them! They are so stubby...mitten-y, or something. I know all cham feet are like that somewhat...but his are so cute!:D
I'm relatively new to chams myself. I have 2.1 cb R. brevicaudatas, app. 4 1/2 months of age. The female is significantly larger than the females (about 2", as opposed to 1.5"). She is fatter, but I can't tell if she's gravid yet. She is also much less colorful than the males, but much more...
Whew! looking at the thumbnail on the home page scared me...the shadow cast by her eye turret looks like a hole! I was thinking, what happened to that cham's eye? :eek:
i am familiar with that method of getting moss to grow on rocks or statuary in your garden....but in a terrarium/enclosure, it would sour quickly and probably grow mold. I think somebody on one of the frog forums tried it and that was the result...
Jordan, that back wall looks awesome! I always end up making my planter pots too small. Cutting the foam is a pain; dremels work great, but the dust is phenomenal.
I didn't use silicone for most of my enclosures; I mixed a glue called Weldbond with water, peat moss and coconut hull...
Those pics are a HOOT! I esp like the one of Pantera serenading Bumble...since watching the video, I wonder how sweet that song was! more like cursing, I think...:p I know baby critters are cute for a reason, but they are SOOOO CUTE!
well, I'm actually a little more concerned about Dot...he seems to be either rubbing his whole body against branches, etc., or his legs are too weak to hold him up. If I take him out, he stands erect most of the time, but when he's crawling around the tank hunting (or just strolling) it seems...
lol it's ok Will, I wouldn't have put him in the shower...I have misted him directly several times the last few days. We went away for Thanksgiving, left someone with all the critters and felt like he would do a good job...but after we got back, I misted the chams and that was the first time...
One of my male brevs, Dot, has been rubbing his eyes on leaves, sticks, bark, whatever. This morning, I would swear it was his right eye he was rubbing; but just now it was his left eye. I had just misted them, and he actually climbed up to the nozzle of the mister. Of course he did the gross...
I've never had mold, either; at least not on the walls. Only time one of my walls stayed too wet was when the waterfall wasn't flowing right (which is why it doesn't run now!). The great stuff does fine with water, but it can degrade if you expose it to UV light for a while; cover the back of...
I've made a few tanks for various herps...I've done cork bark siliconed to the back/side walls, great stuff/silicone/peat moss/coconut fiber, and great stuff/weldbond/peat moss/coconut fiber. The cork bark is definitely the least messy, but there will be holes in the gaps, and it's expensive...