Thank you so much!! Don't worry you'll think of something or ask around. Why don't you post a thread of your setup and ask people to give you an idea for a drainage system? I really appreciate it though
Reptar finally came through and ate his first butterworm. Funny thing is, I had it in the cage wandering and Reptar kept looking at him for about 5 minutes. As soon as I pull the camera, he went for it and ate it haha.
Check it out!
He ate his first butterworm right now and I caught it on camera!! It was inside the cage for 5 minutes as soon as I turn on the camera, he looks at it and then he goes for the worm.
Oops I didn't mean adult my bad. Yeah i was going to stick with medium dubias for now. I'm going to try feeding him a butterworm to see if he will eat it or not. My question, if he does eat a butterworm. How many should I give him a day? I heard worms aren't good to feed them too much because...
I know they're not too big. Sadly they're small but he eats them pretty quick you know? I'll take your advice on that and just give him as many as he wants. Probably another 10-12 more to see where he's at. I just want to see how many he could eat so I could get an idea. Thanks a lot!! :)
Yes I have read it a couple of times and I have it pritned out. I'll take eveyones advice then and just give him as many as he wants. I just don't want to overfeed him or anything. Yeah I know you can begin to miss a day once they're between 5-7 months and older right? I just want to see how...
Are you sure?
That's good to hear. Yes, I have given him 2 dubia roaches. I have about 20 small ones left. He likes them. Next time I need more food, I will order him adult crickets and probably adult dubia roaches. I am gutloading all of them though. I also have butterworms but he doesn't seem...
Oh okay this is great to hear. I tried feeding him butter worms but he doesn't want those. I have some small dubias as well. He ate two of them already. So in your opinion, how many would you suggest a day? As many as he wants? I'm not worried about him getting fat, I just don't want to overfeed...
Hi guys,
Early today I posted this thread
Basically I was just talking about if it's possibly to feed your chameleon too much. You see my chameleon is 5 months old. He is a veiled chamelen and I just got him 5 days ago and...