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  1. MCSEB

    Reptar is a Rastafarian (no photoshop)

    Hey cool your chameleons name is Reptar too haha
  2. MCSEB


    How exciting! Congrats!! Not sure when Reptar will start shedding but that's cool of your little chameleon :)
  3. MCSEB

    Montane chameleons

    She's a cute one. Very nice
  4. MCSEB

    Look At Him Go!!!

    Oh that's interesting. I didn't know that. Thank you.
  5. MCSEB

    Baby Nosy Be coloring up

    Aw that's cute. I can't wait to get my nosy be :)
  6. MCSEB

    Montane chameleons

    Yes Sensei I will!
  7. MCSEB

    i got shot and start of new cage

    Here's a quick tip. If it is possible to take out the glass from the cabinet and replace it with screen that would be great. Even with the doors. I know it will be a little tough but it'd look pretty cool.
  8. MCSEB

    Color After A Day Outdoors

    Wow great colors! He looks so cute haha
  9. MCSEB

    Montane chameleons

    Oops I forgot the title of the thread. I was talking about my veiled chameleon lol. My apologies everyone.
  10. MCSEB

    Your Next Chameleon?

    Ahh I really want another chameleon!! I got my first one a week and a half ago and I just want another. Thing is I can't get one until I move out of Florida which is in June. If anyone knows anybody who needs to find a chameleon a home please let me know :) So yeah my first chameleon is a...
  11. MCSEB

    Look At Him Go!!!

    Hey Lisa! Glad you enjoyed the video! Yeah I know it's crazyyy but I love it when they shoot their tongue out. I find it pretty cool. I just wish I knew how long a chameleons tongue can actually shoot haha.
  12. MCSEB

    New Cage

    Wow this is great and very creative! Way to use your brain and create some extra space!! I really like this. Great job!
  13. MCSEB

    Drainage Systems for Cages - get creative!

    Wow great ideas everyone!! Well, I don't have any pictures of my drainage system but I do have a video of my chameleon cage setup that I made and I describe my drainage system a little. You could always check it out here Basically I bought myself...
  14. MCSEB

    spot the cham

    Hahaha I see him!!
  15. MCSEB

    A chameleon that does not like water?

    Don't worry, you're not alone. My little guy when he sees me pumping his mister, he already knows and starts finding a place to hide. I've only seen him drink out of his dripper once which was last weekend. Then again, I'm at work during the week. Lets see if I catch him again this weekend haha.
  16. MCSEB

    Montane chameleons

    Depending where you live and like how the temperature is during the day in your house is what helps you decide what watt bulb to get. My chameleon is in my room. My room is about 74-77 degrees during the day. I have a 60 watt bulb which brings the basking spot area between 78-83F. That's good...
  17. MCSEB

    Look At Him Go!!!

    Hey everyone! My apologies about going ghost for the past few days. I've been extremely busy at work and I just started the gym too so everyday when I come home, I'm exhausted. Since the weekend is finally here, I got off work early today and came home to Reptar and decided to give him his...
  18. MCSEB

    Veil Chamelon Cricket Problem

    I think they will eat dead ones rarely but live ones will definitely work.
  19. MCSEB

    Yellow white and pink ambanja

    He looks very nice! Great colors :)
  20. MCSEB

    My new sambava panther

    Wow Sheldon looks great!
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